Regenerative Medicine

Regenerative medicine of tissues and organs (RegMedTO)

Cells, tissues, and organs can be used as models to study disease or used in therapies for (chronic) diseases, for instance, through transplantation. The LUMC innovation Theme ‘Regenerative Medicine of Tissues and Organs’ (RegMedTO) covers both approaches. The aim of research in RegMedTO is to resolve unmet clinical needs in disease areas that are part of the healthcare focus of the LUMC.

Vision & mission

Our vision is to innovate patient care through scientific excellence, to contribute to improving societal health. We believe that key to this is the interaction between - and mutual inspiration by - clinical and basic scientists. We adapt and combine (stem) cell technologies, gene editing strategies, and biomaterials for direct transfer to patients, or for creating models of patient tissues to understand the underlying mechanisms of human disease and identify new therapies for precision or even personalized medicine. This will advance Regenerative Medicine in tissue and organ repair. Input from disciplines like ethics, law, health economy, among others, will ensure proper implementation of future applications. We aim to stimulate original and collaborative thinking, leading to better therapeutic approaches, grant proposals, publications, visibility, and overall output.

“Our strong profile in human pluripotent stem cell research and excellent track record in clinical translation makes LUMC the perfect place to deliver a new generation of medicine to patients.”

Christine Mummery

About us

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Christine Mummery

(subtheme lead Disease Modeling)

Christine Mummery is Professor of Developmental Biology at Leiden University Medical Center and an expert on pluripotent stem cells. She became guest professor at the University of Twente in 2015 to use stem cells in organ-on-chip models. In 2017, she led an NWO Gravity consortium to carry out this research nationally. She has also received ERC-Advanced and Proof-on-Concept grants. She is a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Science and Academia Europaea. She wrote the lay-guide Stem Cell: Scientific Facts and Fiction and is Founding Editor-in-Chief of Stem Cell Reports, the journal of the International Society of Stem Cell Research.

Click here for profile Christine Mummery.

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Ian Alwayn

(subtheme lead Transplantation)

Ian Alwayn is Professor of Surgery, in particular Transplant Surgery. He is also Head of the Transplant Surgery sub-department of the LUMC and chairman of the management team of the LUMC Transplantation Center (webpage of the Transplantation Center). He has received grants for his research from, among others, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (VENI), Canadian Institution of Health Research, Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Nova Scotia Health Research Foundation and the Dutch Kidney Foundation.

Click here for profile Ian Alwayn.

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Françoise Carlotti

(subtheme lead Regenerative Medicine)

Françoise Carlotti is Associate Professor and Head of the Islet Research lab. She coordinates fundamental and pre-clinical research to develop novel preventive and regenerative therapeutic strategies for diabetes, with a focus on pancreatic beta-cells.  As principal investigator (PI), she obtained research funding among others from JDRF, the Dutch Diabetes Research Foundation, DON foundation, and the European Foundation for the Study of Diabetes. She is a PI in the Dutch initiative RegMed XB, and in the H2020 European consortia ISLET and ESPACE and an Associate Investigator in reNEW, the Novo Nordisk Foundation for stem cell medicine.

Click here for profile Françoise Carlotti 

Sub themes

Research within the RegMedTO innovation theme is divided into three subthemes: Regenerative medicine, Disease modeling, and Transplantation.
