Collaborations and alliances
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Leiden Bio Science Park (LSBP)
The Leiden Bio Science Park (LBSP) is the largest Life Science and Health campus in the Netherlands. It brings together young talent, researchers, and entrepreneurs to work on achieving longer, healthier lives for everyone. With top-quality education and research institutes, innovative companies, and unique facilities, it covers the entire chain from drug development to manufacturing.
Leiden University
Leiden University aims to maximise the impact of its research programs and trains students to become analytical thinkers and critical world citizens. Close collaboration between LUMC and the Leiden University faculties is hugely important to address crucial societal issues. LUMC and Leiden University work together in 6 clusters of scientific fields and 8 interdisciplinary programmes.
Medical Delta
Medical Delta is a Dutch foundation that strives to improve healthcare with technological solutions. It was founded in 2006 by 3 universities (TU Delft, Leiden University, and Erasmus University Rotterdam) and 2 university medical centres (LUMC and Erasmus MC) in the province of Zuid-Holland. In 2016, they were joined by 4 universities of applied sciences (The Hague University of Applied Sciences, Hogeschool InHolland, Hogeschool Rotterdam, and Hogeschool Leiden).
Innovation Quarter
Innovation Quarter (IQ) is the regional development agency for the province of South Holland, The Netherlands. IQ currently has 33 partners, ranging from the local and national government to knowledge institutes, banks, and incubators. IQ finances innovative, fast-growing companies and assists foreign companies in establishing a local office in South Holland. It also fosters collaboration between businesses, knowledge institutes, and local and national governments. The aim is to develop South Holland into one of the most innovative regions of Europe.
The Economic Agenda Leiden Region (Economie071)
The Economic Agenda Leiden Region is a collaboration of 6 local authority districts, business associations, and educational and knowledge institutions from the Leiden region. A total of 14 partners are part of Economy071. Program Bureau Economie071 is responsible for the agenda’s creation and execution. The goal is to strengthen the economic structure, and push innovation and the business climate of the region, leading to an even better position for the Leiden region, both nationally and internationally. It will enhance investment in the Leiden region by creating more work for existing businesses and by generating new jobs.
Economic Board Zuid-Holland (EBZ)
The Economic Board Zuid-Holland (South Holland region in the Netherlands) is a high-level council that brings together knowledge institutions, industry, and government. The EBZ makes use of the so-called “triple helix” concept of interaction between academia, industry, and government. It combines a wide range of expertise, insights, administrative know-how, and networking potential. The aim is to develop strategic initiatives to strengthen the economy and achieve the region’s economic objectives.
Holland PTC
Holland Proton Therapy Center (HPTC) is an independent clinic and research centre, founded by TU Delft, Leiden University Medical Center, and Erasmus Medical Center. This collaboration provides excellent care and ground-breaking research in the field of proton therapy. Since August 2017, HPTC treats complex oncology patients. The centre aims to be one of the leading institutes in this field worldwide.
Expat Centre Leiden Region
The regional Expat Centre assists foreign knowledge workers and expats who have questions or need support with things like local government registration and referrals for schools and clubs. As a knowledge centre, it keeps businesses and local councils up to date about new trends and developments. The Expat Centre Leiden (ECL) is a cooperation between the Municipalities of Leiden, Katwijk, Leiderdorp, Oegstgeest, Voorschoten, and Zoeterwoude, Leiden University, the Leiden University Medical Center, Bio Science Park, Leiden Marketing, and Economie071.
Biotech Training Facility
The Biotech Training Facility is a collaboration between LUMC, Leiden University, and the municipality of Leiden. This unique, state-of-the-art training centre is located at the Leiden Bio Science Park. Here you can learn how to produce (bio)pharmaceuticals under Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and biosafety conditions, in a realistic environment. It’s the first training centre of its kind in the Netherlands.
GenomeScan is a young enterprise that delivers top-quality genetic tests. It originated from the long and intensive collaboration between LUMC and ServiceXS B.V. With the ISO 17025 accreditation in 2011 and ISO 15189 accreditation in 2018, Genomescan has proven that it aims for the highest quality possible.
Rembrandt Institute of Cardiovascular Science
The Rembrandt Institute of Cardiovascular Science (Rembrandt ICS) is a regional scientific collaboration between LUMC, Amsterdam UMC, Sanquin Research, and the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Development (LACDR). Rembrandt ICS aims to beat cardiovascular diseases, and it creates opportunities for ground-breaking research. The institute joins forces to make the best use of existing facilities and unique resources, such as patient databases, samples, and advanced technology. Besides, it brings together different areas of expertise in new and exciting ways to promote innovation in cardiovascular research and treatment. Finally, the institute invests in young and talented researchers via Rembrandt ICS PhD project grants.
Lygature is a merger between the Center for Translational Molecular Medicine (CTMM) and TI Pharma. It’s a non-profit organisation based in the Netherlands. It drives the development of new medical solutions for patients by managing public-private partnerships between academia, industry, and society. Lygature brings together people from many disciplines and organisations. Its goals are to pioneer solutions in medical technology and pharmacotherapy, and to treat patients worldwide. Joint LUMC and Lygature projects include ground-breaking research on infectious diseases such as malaria, as well as the flagship initiative Oncode.
The Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) and LUMC have been collaborating for many years. The cooperation includes several subject areas, sometimes in formalised bilateral cooperative alliances or centres, and the coordination of strategic processes. LUMC works together with TNO’s Healthy Living focus in the fields of child health, cardiovascular research, tissue remodelling, and transgenesis. TNO and LUMC have also founded Lifestyle4Health, also known as the Dutch Innovation Center for Lifestyle Medicine.
Leiden Network for Personalised Therapeutics (LNPT)
The Leiden Network for Personalised Therapeutics aims to improve drug therapy. To achieve this, it focuses on multi-disciplinary expertise and patient-oriented research activities in personalied medicine. LNPT is an open community that brings together researchers and clinicians active in the field of personalised therapeutics at the Leiden University Medical Center, the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (Leiden University), and several companies at the Leiden Bio Science Park. The network’s mission is to merge and align academic and patient-oriented research activities in personalised therapeutics. LNPT will facilitate and support excellent research programmes, from fundamental and conceptual to applied and translational work that delivers social and economic impact.
Other regional points
The Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centres (NFU)
The Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centres (Dutch: Nederlandse Federatie van Universitair Medische Centra) represents the 8 cooperating university medical centres in the Netherlands. The NFU is an advocate and employer of 78,000 people. The federation was founded in 2004 as a spin-off from the University Hospitals Association, which was established in 1989. The objective is to ensure that agencies that take decisions on healthcare issues in the Netherlands take into account the special role of the UMCs.
Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU)
In the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), Dutch universities work together towards a strong university sector. The 14 Dutch universities within the VSNU show the outside world how they fulfil their social function, formulate shared ambitions relating to academic education, research, and valorisation, and lobby for the preconditions needed for these ambitions to become reality.
REGenerative MEDicine Crossing Borders (RegMed XB)
LUMC is a partner in the REGenerative MEDicine Crossing Borders. Regenerative medicine aims to restore degenerated, diseased, or damaged tissues and organs. This restoration can increase vital functioning and reduce the cost of healthcare. RegMed XB brings together multiple health foundations, top scientists, entrepreneurs, and governments to cooperatively tackle ambitious challenges in regenerative medicine. In RegMed XB, research and clinical translation are integrated to bring research results quickly and optimally into patient solutions and new businesses.
Topsector Life Sciences & Health (LSH)
The Topsector Life Sciences & Health (LSH) is one of 9 so-called “top sectors” in the Netherlands, designated by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy. In these sectors, Dutch companies, and research centres stand out. The Topsector Life Sciences & Health includes pharmaceuticals, MedTech, healthcare infrastructure, vaccinations, and other disciplines. Its mission is to achieve vital citizens in a healthy economy, which is why the top sector works on improving the quality of life while limiting the cost of healthcare. The Topsector LSH initiates and stimulates multidisciplinary public-private partnerships (PPP) to valorise innovation, mainly via Health~Holland, the Topsector's communication channel. LUMC participates in 25 small and 10 large PPPs that focus on several strategically important topics.
Institute for human Organ and Disease Model Technologies (hDMT)
The hDMT institute is a pre-competitive non-profit technological R&D institute, created in the Netherlands by various research institutes, including LUMC. Other members are Leiden University, Erasmus MC, Galapagos, Genmab, Hubrecht Institute, Maastricht UMC+, TNO, TUDelft, TU/e, University of Twente, and Wageningen University. This institute integrates state-of-the-art human stem cell technologies with top-level engineering, physics, chemistry, biology, and clinical and pharmaceutical expertise from academia and industry. The goal is to develop and valorise human organ-on-a-chip and disease model technologies.
LUMC participates in BBMRI-NL, the national node of BBMRI-ERIC. BBMRI-NL is the Dutch research infrastructure for biobanking that brings together all the main players from the biobanking field – researchers, biobanks, industry, and patients – to boost biomedical research. BBMRI-NL's mission is to maximize the use of biosamples, images, and data for health research on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases. For this, BBMRI-NL makes sure these resources are available in a FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) way and in compliance with ethical, legal, and privacy demands, and with the active participation of donors, citizens, and patients. BBMRI-NL provides access to biosamples, images, data, and tools to capture, integrate and analyze data, as well as support for ethical, legal, and social implications.
Netherlands Centre for One Health
The Netherlands Centre for One Health (NCOH) aims at an integrated One Health approach to tackle the global risk of infectious diseases. LUMC is one of its founding partners. NCOH is committed to creating durable solutions for this major challenge by bundling world-leading academic research in the Netherlands. This virtual science-driven institution focuses its efforts on four research themes: Smart and healthy farming, Emerging Infectious diseases preparedness, Tackling Antimicrobial Resistance, and Healthy wildlife and Ecosystems.
The Netherlands Centre for Electron Nanoscopy (NeCEN) is the open-access research facility for cryo-electron microscopy in The Netherlands. It offers both Dutch and international research institutes and companies access to advanced cryo-electron microscopy and expertise. The cryo-electron microscopes at NeCEN are specifically designed to explore complex biological structures. LUMC is one of the 18 partners that founded this centre.
Oncode Institute
Oncode is an independent institute dedicated to understanding cancer and translating research into practice. The best fundamental cancer researchers in the Netherlands come together in Oncode to introduce their discoveries into the clinic faster. Six of Oncode’s research groups are based at LUMC. Along with performing vital basic research, Oncode specialises in cooperating with third parties to guide scientific discoveries towards translational and clinical research and novel diagnostics, drugs, and treatments. The institute aims to help more patients survive, to improve the quality of life for those afflicted, and ultimately to cure cancer.
NeLL is an open and independent eHealth knowledge platform in the Netherlands. The platform shares developments, initiatives, and activities on digital health innovations. NeLL tests healthcare applications, develops products and services, and carries out scientific research, including the safety, reliability, and effectiveness of eHealth applications. Furthermore, it advises organisations and institutions in the field of product development and implementation. The NeLL-network consists of patients, healthcare professionals, researchers, students, and business professionals. People and parties find each other at NeLL to work together on tomorrow’s healthcare.
Dutch Neurotechnology Consortium (NeuroTech-NL)
NeuroTech-NL is a network of leading neurotechnology experts based in the Netherlands. It translates cutting-edge neuroscience into societal solutions with the help of governments, industry, and patient stakeholders. The consortium’s mission is to restore functions lost through neurological disorders by developing the best interfaces with the brain and nervous system. NeuroTech-NL brings together leading institutes, patient organisations, and companies across the field of neurotechnology. It performs ground-breaking, multidisciplinary, large-scale R&D and translates the results into solutions for patients and economic activity. The consortium was founded by leading researchers, engineers, and clinicians at major Dutch universities, technical universities, and academic hospitals, including LUMC.
Dutch Center for RNA Therapeutics (DCRT)
LUMC and Radboudumc jointly started the Dutch Center for RNA Therapeutics (DCRT) in February 2020. This new virtual centre aims to develop customised RNA therapy for patients with rare genetic disorders. DCRT will focus on RNA therapy for patients for whom local treatment of the affected tissue is possible. Its treatment targets progressive eye, muscle, or brain diseases with a focus on genetic diseases and mutations. These are so rare that pharmaceutical companies have no interest in investing in developing treatments. DCRT is the first centre in Europe to develop RNA therapy for these rare diseases.
Eurolife is a network of 9 European universities in Life Sciences. The objective of this academic partnership is to promote transnational scientific and educational collaboration in medicine and biomedicine. Eurolife facilitates joint postgraduate education and training, collaborative research projects, and the exchange of students, teachers, and researchers.
LERU, the League of European Research Universities, is a well-established network of 23 research-intensive universities. LERU’s core mission is to disseminate the views of its members on research, innovation, and higher education. Through policy papers, statements, meetings, and events, the league provides strategic input to shape EU policies. LERU is a valued interlocutor for European institutions and other policy stakeholders.
reNEW is an international consortium of three leading research institutions in Denmark (UCPH), Australia (MCRI) and the Netherlands (LUMC). Within reNEW, LUMC and its partners aim to develop a new generation of effective and safe stem cell-based therapies, based on excellence in biomedical research.