Plaatsvervangend afdelingshoofd WAKZ, Senior Medisch Specialist Kindergeneeskunde
Dr. A.A.W. (Arno) Roest
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Born and raised in the Netherlands, I finished medical school in 2003 at the Leiden University. I received my training in pediatric cardiology at the Center for Congenital heart disease Amsterdam Leiden ( Currently I work as a senior paediatric cardiologist at the Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands.
I did my PhD-research on non-invasive imaging that resulted in his PhD on Exercise CMR in patients after Fallot repair and atrial switch repair for transposition of the great arteries. Currently, I am now principal investigator on the research line on non-invasive imaging in congenital heart disease in close collaboration with the Department of Radiology. My current focus is on the application of 4 dimensional flow CMR in the assessment of cardiovascular flow patterns in healthy and in patients after intervention for congenital heart disease.
I did my PhD-research on non-invasive imaging that resulted in his PhD on Exercise CMR in patients after Fallot repair and atrial switch repair for transposition of the great arteries. Currently, I am now principal investigator on the research line on non-invasive imaging in congenital heart disease in close collaboration with the Department of Radiology. My current focus is on the application of 4 dimensional flow CMR in the assessment of cardiovascular flow patterns in healthy and in patients after intervention for congenital heart disease.
Wetenschappelijk onderzoek
My main research focus is the application of CT and MRI to improve patient management. Four dimensional flow MRI allows unprecedented insights in flow patterns within the cardiovascular system and how these flow patterns are altered due to congenital heart disease. Furthermore, ultrafast CT-scanning allows detailed depiction of congenital heart disease even at young age, allowing optimal pre-surgical planning with the use of 3D-printed cardiac models. This approach may guide patient/parent information, training of medical students and residents, in close collaboration with Dr M Jongbloed, LUMC and partners at the Technical University of Delft. My second research focus is on how cardiovascular risks factors for future adverse events can already be present at young age and related to adverse intrauterine environment. Furthermore, I am involved in the Netherlands Duchenne Center initiated and researching the cardiovascular aspects of patients with Duchenne Muscle Dystrophy.