Postdoctoral Researchers
T. De Coster
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After obtaining my Master's degree in Theoretical Physics at KU Leuven (Belgium), I started my PhD training in the cardiac interdisciplinary field at the Physics department at UGent (Belgium) and the Biomedical Sciences department at KU Leuven (Belgium) under the supervision of Sasha Panfilov, Piet Claus and Karin Sipido. For my thesis, I investigated the influence of adipose tissue into the genesis of cardiac arrhythmias, both looking at structural and electrical changes to the heart.
Wetenschappelijk onderzoek
I joined the Laboratory of Experimental Cardiology in the fall of 2018 to delve deeper into the concept and realisation of biological cardiac defibrillation. These studies are supported by the ERC.
In the near future, I want to unravel the underlying mechanisms of spontaneous termination, which studies are supported by a NWO Off Road grant. I aim is to use the acquired insight to strengthen the heart such that it is less prone to sustained arrhythmias
In the near future, I want to unravel the underlying mechanisms of spontaneous termination, which studies are supported by a NWO Off Road grant. I aim is to use the acquired insight to strengthen the heart such that it is less prone to sustained arrhythmias