Scientific Advisor

Prof. dr. D.L. Ypey

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I studied Biology in Utrecht and received my PhD degree from Leiden University in 1975. Subsequently I was trained to become a biophysically oriented cellular electrophysiologist with interest in the functional role of ion channels in health and disease.

In recent years I am enjoying the participation in the Hart long research. My special interest in this research is the question which properties of ion channels are involved in the generation of cardiac arrhythmias and how insight in this generation mechanism can help to design therapeutic options for treatments, ranging from pharmacology to genetic tissue engineering.

I find it particularly rewarding to help the younger generations of cardiac electrophysiology researchers to become familiar with the basic membrane elecrophysiological techniques and concepts.
Wetenschappelijk onderzoek
I am emeritus professor of membrane electrophysiology (Radboud University Nijmegen, 2000-2007), emeritus associate professor of physiology (Leiden University, 1978-2007) and former professor of neurophysiology (University of Twente, 1988-1994).