Summer School Population Health Management

An ageing population, epidemiological challenges, rising healthcare costs, and technical developments in the medical sector are some of the topics that will be covered during the 5 day Summer School on Population Health Management.


  • Locatie
    Health Campus The Hague
  • Organisator
    Leiden University and LUMC


An ageing population, epidemiological challenges, rising healthcare costs, and technical developments in the medical sector are some of the topics that will be covered during the 5 day Summer School on Population Health Management. You will learn strategies and acquire new competences to understand and deal with these current issues and developments in healthcare.

Join the Summer School Population Health Management 2025 for an inspiring and scientific introduction to the fundamentals of Population Health Management at The Health Campus The Hague for professionals (and students) working in and around healthcare. The keynote speakers and professors during the course are experts in their field and some of the speakers are faculty staff of the two year Master’s programme Population Health Management.

The Summer School is organised by the Master’s programme Population Health Management (PHM) which is part of the Faculty of Medicine of Leiden University (LUMC).

More information

More information about the Population Health Management Summer Schoolsummer school and the opportunity to apply can be found by following this link.