Recognition & Rewards Festival 2023
On the 13th of April the third edition of the Recognition & Rewards Festival will take place. This year the Recognition & Rewards Festival has a special focus on Rethinking Assessment.
OrganisatorKNAW, NWO, NFU, Zonmw, e.a.
During the Recognition & Rewards Festival we will elaborate on the specific elements of the programme. In round table sessions we discuss relevant topics within the programme and in workshops we deepen these discussions.
Rethinking Assessment
In this broad movement on a different way of recognising and rewarding in academia, questions arise on ‘how’ to do so. How can we implement our ambitions? On which basis will we assess research, teaching, teamwork and so on? How do we ensure the quality of assessment? And how do assessment and development relate to each other? There is a big international movement regarding Reforming Research Assessment. But what are the main developments in the other domains in academia?
These questions and many more topics will be discussed during the Recognition & Rewards Festival. Keep an eye on this website for more information.
The festival is organised by the Recognition & Rewards Programme, a partnership between the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), the Netherlands Federation of University Medical Centres (NFU), the Dutch Denominational Universities (NLU), the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), the of Universities of the Netherlands (UNL) and the Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw).
Location: University of Humanistic Studies, Utrecht
(Note: Registration and the plenary sessions will take place in the Pieterskerk, Utrecht)
Registration: 09:30 – 10:00
Recognition & Rewards Festival: 09:30-17:00