Lifestyle and behavioral research

Stopping smoking, improving dietary habits and sleep, increasing the amount of physical activity and exercise and reducing stress are the cornerstones of a healthy lifestyle. All of these elements can counteract the occurrence and/or unfavorable course of a large number of non-communicable diseases that affect several billion people in the world. One of our main aims it to further strengthen research collaborations at the LUMC within our theme and between the various other research themes.

We think joint meetings to further boost collaboration and write large grant proposals together will result in high-quality research, high-impact publications, grants, and the generation of new consortia. This may also improve LUMC’s national and international position.

The theme is linked to the majority of core facilities at the LUMC and benefits from its excellent network of state-of-the-art resource centers. This includes, but it is not limited to, the Animal Welfare Body, the Biobank, the Center for Proteomics and Metabolomics, the Flow Cytometry core facility and the Microscopy facility. Through the epidemiological work that is carried out within the theme, there furthermore is a strong link to large international databases and national studies, such as the large population-based cohort of the NEO study (Nederlandse Epidemiologie van Obesitas) or the LOAS study (Leiden Outcomes OsteoArthritis Study) both with over 6000 participants that are performed at the LUMC. Our theme is also affiliated with the data infrastructure of the ELAN network which enables collaborations with the primary care physicians in the region.
