ZonMw Thematic programmes & Open Competition
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Doorontwikkeling extramuraal academisch netwerk (ELAN)
LUMC PI: Dennis Mook PhD (Dept. Public Health en Eerstelijnsgeneeskunde)
Startdate: 2025 – End date: 2028
This grant will allow our extramural academic network (ELAN) to strengthen the relationship between LUMC and regional general practitioners care in the areas of research and education. Key elements are an interdisciplinary data infrastructure to address regional bottlenecks in care, a research infrastructure on job satisfaction and retention of caregivers and a center of excellence for patient-related research and a regional extramural clinical trial network. To this end, the academic workshop will work closely with the regional primary care organizations Rijn&Duin, EerstelijnsZorg Zoetermeer and HADOKS from both PHEG in Leiden and through the Health Campus in The Hague.
Nurses in the lead
Nurses in the lead: verpleegkundig leiderschap en autonomie in bewegingsgerichte zorg in het ziekenhuis
LUMC PI: Janneke de Man-van Ginkel, Phd (Dept. Verplegingswetenschap)
Startdate: 2023 – End date: 2025
Movement-based care (FCC - function focused care) is a proven effective intervention for promoting physical functioning and mobility. However, implementation is hampered by how nurses take direction in this and interprofessional collaboration. Therefore, in a co-design approach, this project focusses on strengthening nursing leadership and autonomy for the application of FCC.
Reducing ecosyndemics associated with obesity and related illness in urban settings
Reducing ecosyndemics associated with obesity and related illness in urban settings
LUMC PI: Jessica Kiefte-de Jong PhD (Dept. Public Health en Eerstelijnsgeneeskunde)
Startdate: 2023 – End date: 2027
Without intervention, nearly half of the Dutch population will suffer from obesity-related conditions in the future. Accumulation of obesity-related health problems in unfavorable environments can result in synergistic health effects, also known as “ecosyndemics.” The goal of this project is to unravel the mechanisms underlying an ecosyndemic and at what level it is effective to intervene. We will do this by developing models and solution scenarios with stakeholders and citizens and testing them against existing data infrastructures. In addition, we will foster community resilience by developing a toolbox to empower citizens and stakeholders to create a healthy living environment.
Increasing impact through technology
Increasing impact through technology: A randomized controlled trial to determine the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an innovative, data-supported, personalized treatment for anxiety and mood disorders.
LUMC PI: Anke Versluis PhD (Dept. Public Health en Eerstelijnsgeneeskunde)
Startdate: 2023 – End date: 2027
Many people suffer from anxiety and mood problems. With digital support, we can potentially make mental health care more effective, reduce costs, and give patients more control over their treatment and mental well-being. In this project, researchers, patients and healthcare providers are working closely together to test a new, partly digital treatment approach for anxiety and mood problems. The effectiveness and cost of this approach will be compared with usual care provided to another group of patients. We hope this innovative approach to treatment will make care more accessible, effective, affordable, and responsive to patients' needs.
The DISTINCT trial
The DISTINCT trial: inDividual, targeted thrombosIS prophylaxis versus the standard ‘one size fits all’ approach in patients undergoing Total hIp or total kNee replaCemenT: a national, multicenter, randomized, multi-arm, open-label trial
LUMC PI: Banne Németh, PhD en Suzanne Cannegieter, PhD (Dept. Klinische Epidemiologie)
Startdate: 2023 – End date: 2031
Patients who receive total hip or knee replacement have an increased risk of developing venous thrombosis. Venous thrombosis is a blockage in blood vessels, most commonly in the legs (also called a thrombosed leg), but such a clot can also shoot into the lungs (pulmonary embolism). Up to 10% of all patients who develop a pulmonary embolism die from it. In this study, fifteen hospitals led by LUMC will conduct an investigation into the prevention of thrombosis after a new hip or knee. Within this study, targeted anticoagulation treatment will be proposed. Using a prediction model, the individual risk of thrombosis will be determined after which a treatment will be given.
the PREMI trial
PREMI trial: Prednisolone administration in patients with unexplained REcurrent MIscarriages
LUMC PI: Lisa Lashley PhD (Dept. Voortplantingsgeneeskunde)
Startdate: 2023 – End date: 2027
Repeat miscarriages occur in 3 out of every 100 couples who desire children. The causes are often unclear so there are no effective treatment options. It is possible that the woman's immune system plays a role. Prednisolone is an immune-suppressing medication and could have a beneficial effect on pregnancy. This study examines whether women with repeat miscarriages are more likely to have a live birth if they are treated with prednisolone in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. It also examines the risks to mother and child and cost-effectiveness. Results of the study will be incorporated directly into existing guidelines.
Post-COVID research program: Post-COVID Netwerk Nederland
Post-COVID Netwerk Nederland
LUMC PI: Anske van der Bom, PhD (Dept. Klinische Epidemiologie)
Startdate: 2024 – End date: 2027
The Post-COVID Network Netherlands is a national collaboration in which patients, scientists, healthcare professionals and community partners work together to align scientific research and patient care for people with post-COVID with one another and with each other. This alignment systematically and efficiently builds knowledge needed to better understand post-COVID, make a better diagnosis and develop better treatment options. The network actively promotes utilization of all relevant knowledge to continuously improve the care of people with post-COVID.
Infrastructure development: InFECT-NL
LUMC PI: Meta Roestenberg, PhD (Dept. Infectieziekten)
Startdate: 2024 – End date: 2025
InFECT-NL is a new national collaboration between 5 leading Dutch institutions coordinated by the LUMC, focused on accelerating the development of drugs and vaccines against infectious diseases. The consortium is developing a hub within which collaboration and knowledge sharing will be stimulated and will build a facility where early phase clinical trials and controlled infection studies can take place with new drugs and vaccines against infectious diseases. ZonMw and the Ministry of VWS have made 9.5 million euros available for the start of InFECT-NL.
Multidisciplinaire consortia: GREAT
LUMC PI: Niels Geijsen, PhD (Dept. Anatomie en Embryologie)
Startdate: 2021 – End date: 2026
The GREAT consortium aims to develop a 3D human gastruloid model system from pluripotent stem cells. With this model, the consortium will study the early development of heart, muscle and blood tissue. At the same time, GREAT will explore the ethical and social issues of this technology. The consortium is coordinated by the LUMC and consortium partners are the UMC Utrecht, UMC Groningen, ErasmusMC, Hubrecht Instituut and NEMO Kennislink.
Multidisciplinaire consortia: HipGametes
HipGametes: In vitro generation of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived gametes to model human embryogenesis
LUMC PI: Susana Chuva de Sousa Lopes, PhD (Dept. Anatomie en Embryologie)
Startdate: 2021 – End date: 2026
This consortium aims to develop methods to form male and female sex cells from iPSCs. The sex cells have a built-in genetic defect, making embryos that could be created unviable. Secondly, the consortium aims to investigate the ethical, legal and social aspects of this method. The consortium is coordinated by the LUMC and consortium partners are the ErasmusMC, Universiteit Maastricht, Amsterdam UMC and the Rathenau Instituut.
Open Competition: SPIDERR - Support care Precision through Improved Decision making with Enhanced Real world data for patients with Rheumatic complaints
Open Competition: SPIDERR - Support care Precision through Improved Decision making with Enhanced Real world data for patients with Rheumatic complaints
LUMC PI: Tom Huizinga, PhD (Dept. Reumatologie)
Startdate: 2023 – End date: 202
SPIDERR will accelerate diagnosis, predict the development of chronic rheumatoid autoimmunity, and detect new risk - and protective factors. The team (doctors, epidemiology, statistics and bioinformatics, ReumaNederland (patient organization), Elsa Science (software company)) will translate current knowledge into user-friendly (online) tools for patients and doctors and clarify the complexity of disease development, with big data techniques. This will benefit patients (development of eHealth tools), physicians in primary and secondary care (diagnostic decision tools) and science (insight into development of rheumatic diseases).