KNAW members & The Young Academy

The Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) serves as the prominent forum, voice, and conscience of science in the Netherlands. Elected membership is awarded on the basis of outstanding scientific and scholarly achievement.

The KNAW fulfills three statutory roles: a society of outstanding
scientists across disciplines, a governing body for its scientific
research institutes, and an advisor to the government on matters of
scientific practice. Additionally, the KNAW has historical roots
dating back to 1808 and has played a pivotal role in fostering
scientific collaboration and international relations. Since 2011, the
Academy appoints a maximum of sixteen new members every
year, based on nominations. Members are appointed for life.
Academy membership is regarded as a great honour in the
Netherlands. LUMC is proud to host the KNAW members as listed

The KNAW fulfills three statutory roles: a society of outstanding
scientists across disciplines, a governing body for its scientific
research institutes, and an advisor to the government on matters of
scientific practice. Additionally, the KNAW has historical roots
dating back to 1808 and has played a pivotal role in fostering
scientific collaboration and international relations. Since 2011, the
Academy appoints a maximum of sixteen new members every
year, based on nominations. Members are appointed for life.
Academy membership is regarded as a great honour in the
Netherlands. LUMC is proud to host the KNAW members as listed

In addition, The Young Academy (DJA) is also part of KNAW. This
is a dynamic and innovative group of scientists and scholars with
outspoken views about science and scholarship and the related
policy. The Young Academy organises inspiring activities for
various target groups focusing on interdisciplinarity, science policy,
internationalisation and the interface between science and society.
The Young Academy has fifty members (each for a 5-year term),
who received their doctorates less than ten years before their
appointment to The Young Academy. They represent a broad
spectrum of scientific and scholarly disciplines and work at Dutch
universities and a wide range of research institutes.

LUMC researchers elected as The Young Academy (DJA) members

  • Noel de Miranda (Dept. of Pathology, DJA member 2022-present)
  • Annemieke Aartsma-Rus (Dept. of Human Genetics, DJA member 2014-2019)
  • Marie-José Goumans (Dept. of Cell and Chemical Biology, DJA member 2009-2014)