Referrers & Professionals
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Referral via ZorgDomein
Are you a primary care referrer? You can provide your patient with a referral via ZorgDomein. For more information and registration for ZorgDomein see (NL).
Are you a secondary referrer or do you lack access to ZorgDomein? If so, then have a look at the overview of departments and care paths displayed below on this page.
Referral information by department
Centre for Bone Quality
For appointments and information regarding referrers, we are available on weekdays via:
Telephone: +31 (0)71 5263505 (from 09.00 to 12.00)
Fax: +31 (0)71 5266881
Leiden Maternity Ward
Link to department
For patient referral, non-urgent
- Monday to Friday: 9.00-12.00 & 14.00-16.00, +31 (0)71 526 09 00, Obstetrics Outpatient Clinic
- To request results and information, please send an email to:
Do you want to have a telephone consultation with a gynecologist?
If so, please call +31 (0)71 526 09 00, press 9.
Do you want a direct consultation with a fetal expert?
If so, please telephone +31(0)71 529 88 66.
Telephone consultations: From time to time, a conference is required regarding 1 patient, or the expectation is that patients will be placed under our care. We want to optimize reporting in the LUMC for the sake of these patients. For this purpose, we create an LUMC file. In this file, the advice given via telephone is documented. In this regard, we ask the referrer to send an email to the health care provider from whom the address was received. (see the draft email to the health care provider LUMC): In this email, the following information is provided:
- BSN number, name, date of birth, postal code and street address of the patient.
- the advice received
- the declaration of consent signed by the patient for documentation of the information in an LUMC file (Toestemmingsverklaring vastleggen aan telefonisch advies in dossier LUMC)
- relevant supplementary information from the referrer's file
Referrers can refer patients to HEMATOLOGY in the following ways:
Family doctors affiliated with Zorgdomein can provide digital referrals for patients
By post
Written referrals can be sent to:
Hematology outpatient clinic
postal zone B3P
P.O. Box 9600
(071) 526 68 35
Letter of referral
Please be sure to indicate the following in the letter of referral:
- Patient's personal data
- Patient’s telephone number
- Name of referrer
- Reasons for referral and prior history
- Medications taken
On the basis of this information, the supervisor determines how quickly the patient must be seen and by which specialist(s). Employees of the outpatient clinic invite the patient to attend an appointment.
Specialist consultation
If you would like a consultation with a hematologist, you can call +31 (0) 71 526 35 68 during office hours
You can always reach an on-duty hematologist outside of office hours by calling the LUMC's main telephone number: +31 (0)71 526 91 11
Skin diseases
Family doctors
Referrals (no emergencies)
- Family doctors affiliated with Zorgdomein can provide patients with digital referrals.
- Patients with a referral letter can call 071-5262630 between 09:00 and 13:00 to make an appointment.
Urgent referrals
- The family doctor will have a telephone conference with the doctor on duty
between 08:30 and 13:00 and from 14:00 to 16:30, +31 (0)71 526 26 30 option 9. - Sending supplementary information
- Email:
Tertiary referrers
- Both directly by telephone as well as following the telephone conference with the doctor on duty
- Between 08:30 and 13:00 and from 14:00 to 16:30: +31 (0)71 526 26 30 option 9.
- Email:
Letter of referral
Please be sure to indicate the following in the letter of referral:
- Patient's personal data
- Patient's telephone number
- Name of referrer
- Reasons for referral and prior history
Consultation with a dermatologist
- If you would like a consultation with a dermatologist, you can call +31 (0)71 526 26 30 during office hours.
- You can always reach an on-duty dermatologist outside of office hours by calling the LUMC’s main telephone number: +31 (0)71 526 91 11.
Skin Diseases
Family doctors
Referrals (no emergencies)
- Family doctors affiliated with Zorgdomein can provide patients with digital referrals.
- Patients with a referral letter can call+31 (0)71 526 26 30 between 09.00 and 13.00 to make an appointment.
Urgent referrals
- The family doctor will have a telephone conference with the doctor on duty
between 8.30 and 13.00 and from 14.00 to 16.30, +31 (0)71 526 26 30 option 9. - Sending supplementary information
- Email:
Tertiary referrers
- Both directly by telephone as well as following the telephone conference with the doctor on duty
- Between 8.30 and 13.00 and from 14.00 to 16.30: +31 (0)71 526 26 30 option 9.
- Email:
Letter of referral
Please be sure to indicate the following in the letter of referral:
- Patient's personal data
- Patient's telephone number
- Name of referrer
- Reasons for referral and prior history
Consultation with a dermatologist
- If you would like a consultation with a dermatologist, you can call +31 (0)71 526 26 30 during office hours.
- You can always reach an on-duty dermatologist outside of office hours by calling the LUMC’s main telephone number: +31 (0)71 526 91 11.
Internal Medicine
Family doctors affiliated with ZorgDomein can provide patients with a digital referral.
For family doctors who are not affiliated with ZorgDomein, all patients must be registered in writing (via post or fax) by means of a letter of referral addressed to the head of the outpatient clinic.
The letter of referral must contain the following information:
- patient's personal data (including telephone number)
- name of the referrer
- reasons for referral and prior history
- indication of the period during which the patient must be seen
- medications taken
On the basis of the referral letter and the clinic’s capacity, a determination will be made as to whether the patient can be admitted and, consequently, the period during which the patient must be seen. After this, the outpatient clinic's staff will invite the patient, either via telephone or in writing, to attend an appointment before the patient's first visit to the outpatient clinic. The family doctor will receive a written confirmation of the first appointment or a notice of rejection.
Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine (KNO)
Referral via ZorgDomein
Family doctors affiliated with ZorgDomein can provide patients with a digital referral. If you are not affiliated with ZorgDomein, then you can refer patients to us in writing via:
Outpatient clinicKNO, H2-Q
P.O. Box 9600
2300 RC Leiden
Information required in the letter of referral
- Patient's personal data
- Patient’s telephone number
- Name of referrer
- Reasons for referral and prior history
- Medications taken
On the basis of this information, our supervisor will determine how quickly the patient must be seen, and by which specialist(s). Outpatient clinic staff will then invite the patient to attend an appointment.
Consultation with a specialist
If you want to have a consultation with a KNO doctor, you can call +31 (0)71 526 24 74 during office hours.
There is always a KNO doctor on duty at the LUMC outside office hours. For emergency patients, please call the LUMC's main number: +31 (0)71 526 91 11.
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
For appointments regarding laboratory inquiries, referrers can contact the responsible staff member or the on-duty laboratory specialist in clinical chemistry.
Clinical Pharmacy and Toxicology
If doubts arise as to whether findings will involve pharmacogenetic testing, referrers can refer patients to the LUMC's outpatient clinic for Clinical Pharmacology.
As of May 1, 2020, a outpatient clinic for patients with a clinical pharmacological problem has been open as a division of the Internal Medicine Department. This may include patients who experience serious or unique side effects, patients for whom pharmacogenetic testing must be performed or patients currently taking multiple medications. The outpatient clinic is supervised by Prof. Dr. Teun van Gelder, internist – clinical pharmacologist. In addition to AIOS internal medicine, there are doctors from other disciplines working at the clinic who are training to become clinical pharmacologists. The clinic engages in intensive cooperation with (hospital) pharmacists, and these pharmacists are also physically present during the appointment on a regular basis.
Contact the outpatient clinic:
Telephone: +31 (0)70 526 18 50 (available from 09.00 to 12.00)
Clinical Genetics
Peer consultation
Telephone number: +31 (0)71 526 10 92
Office of the staff secretary - clinical genetics
Telephone number: +31 (0)71 526 60 90
Laboratory for Diagnostic Genome Analysis (LDGA)
Einthovenweg 20, 2333 ZC Leiden
Postbus 9600, 2300 RC Leiden
Gebouw 2, S6-P
Office of the Staff Secretary LDGA
For non-patient related inquiries, please contact the office from Monday to Friday at:
Telephone: +31 (0)71 526 98 10
Patiënt verwijzen via ZorgDomein of rechtstreeks via e-mail
Huisartsen die zijn aangesloten bij ZorgDomein kunnen patiënten via ZorgDomein digitaal verwijzen.
Verwijzers die niet zijn aangesloten bij Zorgdomein of vanuit de tweede lijn verwijzen kunnen de patiënt(en) digitaal verwijzen via onderstaande e-mailadressen.
De afdeling Longziekten heeft drie aandachtsgebieden.
1. Longkanker:
Thoracale oncologie is een speerpunt van de afdeling longziekten in het LUMC. Patiënten met een verdenking op, of een reeds gediagnosticeerd longkanker, krijgen in het LUMC een behandeling volgens de laatste (inter)nationale richtlijnen en ontwikkelingen. In dit derdelijns centrum zijn alle diagnostische en behandelopties te vinden, waaronder behandelingen voor zeldzame mutaties. Daarnaast wordt er wetenschappelijk onderzoek gedaan naar onder andere nieuwe behandelopties. Persoonlijk en patiëntgericht staat centraal.
2. Interstitiële longziekten (ILD):
Het LUMC is erkend behandelcentrum voor alle vormen van ILD. Er is een nauwe samenwerking met de drie expertisecentra in Nederland. In het bijzonder is er ruime ervaring met sarcoïdose en systeemziekte gerelateerde ILD (CTD-ILD). Daarnaast wordt er wetenschappelijk onderzoek gedaan naar onder andere nieuwe behandelopties.
3. Alfa-1-antitrypsine-deficiëntie (AATD):
Alfa-1-antitrypsine-deficiëntie (AATD) is een erfelijke aandoening waardoor patiënten op vroege leeftijd ernstig longemfyseem krijgen. Het LUMC is één van de weinige centra in Nederland met speciale aandacht voor deze patiëntengroep. Vanwege de zeldzaamheid wordt in het LUMC wetenschappelijk onderzoek gedaan naar deze aandoening, waarbij ook bijvoorbeeld onderzoek gedaan wordt met behandelstrategieën.
Astma en COPD
De afdeling Longziekten heeft samenwerking met het Alrijne ziekenhuis t.a.v. astma en COPD zorg.
Verwijzing vanuit de eerste lijn dient bij voorkeur plaats te vinden naar de afdeling Longziekten van het Alrijne Ziekenhuis. In principe is er een presentatiestop voor astma en COPD vanuit de eerste lijn naar het LUMC. Mocht overleg hierover gewenst zijn, zie dan onderstaand bij Overleg.
Voor de juiste manier van verwijzen, kijkt u op de betreffende pagina van het Alrijne ziekenhuis.
Mocht u eerst telefonisch willen overleggen alvorens te verwijzen dan kan u contact opnemen met: 071 526 37 42 en vervolgens optie 9
Benodigde gegevens
In de brief/e-mail graag minimaal vermelden:
- Persoonsgegevens van de patiënt
- Contactgegevens van de patiënt.
- Naam verwijzer
- Indicatie voor verwijzing
- Medische voorgeschiedenis
- Vraagstelling consult
- Gebruikte medicatie
Indien verricht en beschikbaar:
- Originele uitslagen van longfunctie- en inspanningsonderzoek
- Laboratorium uitslagen
- Radiologieverslagen en indien mogelijk originele beelden
- PA-verslag
- Verslagen van de eventuele beeldvorming
- Correspondentie longarts en consulenten
Voor vragen of problemen buiten werktijd kunt u via de centrale van het LUMC (071 526 91 11) contact opnemen met de dienstdoende longarts.
Center for Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases
Family doctors affiliated with ZorgDomein can provide patients with a digital referral.
Referrals to the outpatient clinic for Gastrointestinal and Liver Diseases can be sent to the outpatient clinic to the attention of Dr. J. van der Kraan, section head for the outpatient clinic. If necessary, a telephone conference can be arranged with the on-duty gastroenterologist. She or he can be reached by calling +31 (0)71 526 91 11 and requesting the extension for pager #62809. Following receipt of the referral letter, the situation will be marked urgent, if necessary, and the patient will accordingly be summoned by mail.
Medical Oncology
Referrers not affiliated with Zorgdomein can provide the patients with a digital referral via form (NL).
Following receipt, the application will be evaluated and the patient will be summoned. Thus, you cannot arrange an appointment yourself on behalf of the patient.
Required information
Please provide the following minimum information in the letter:
- Contact information of the patient.
- Referral certificate
- Prior medical history
- Questions posed during consultation
- Pathology report
- Reports of any imaging
Please send the imaging digitally via TWINN or by email to
For questions or problems occurring outside of office hours you can contact the on-duty medical oncologist via the main office of the LUMC.
Diseases of the mouth and maxillofacial surgery
As referrer, you can reach the department at the following telephone number:
+31 (0)71 526 23 72, press 2 or 9.
For emergencies outside of office hours please call
+31 (0)71 526 91 11 and request to speak with the on-duty oral surgeon.
All new patients must be registered in writing by the orthopedist, neurologist or neurosurgeon colleague. This can occur by way of referral letter directed to:
the head of the outpatient clinic for Neurosurgery,
P.O. Box 9600,
2300 RC Leiden
In this letter of referral, the following minimum information must be provided:
- Patient's BSN number
- Name and address details including a telephone number at which we can reach the patient
- name of the referrer
- reasons for the referral
- relevant prior history including any relevant letters from other medical specialists
- Indication of the period in which the patient must be seen
- You must also send a CD with any relevant imaging as well as a follow-up report, where appropriate.
With the aid of this information, the head of the outpatient clinic will determine how quickly the registered patient must/can be seen at the outpatient clinic. The outpatient clinic extends the patient an invitation by telephone or by sending a letter containing the date and information regarding the first visit to the outpatient clinic.
Referrals cannot be made via ZorgDomein.
The LUMC neurology outpatient clinic works with care paths organized in accordance with the top referral care (TRF) offered by the LUMC. Specific academic information is required for each care path. Care is organized on fixed weekdays in teams, each with its own nurse and/or secretary. Our objective is an access time of a maximum of 4 weeks for a first visit to the outpatient clinic for non-emergency care. Consultation is always feasible in cases involving a higher level of urgency, in particular if it concerns a question regarding a referral within the care path.
Care paths - neurology
- Movement disorders
- Headache
- Neurovascular (stroke or seizure/malformation of blood vessels)
- Neuromuscular
- Neuro-oncology
- Fainting/dizzy spells
- Child neurology
Referrals to the LUMC outpatient clinic for neurology
Family doctors:
- The question regarding the referral falls within one of the care paths
- First referral to a neurologist: please make any questions you have regarding your referral clear as you make your referral via Zorgdomein.
- For referrals of an urgent character (within one week): a telephone consultation may be had with a supervisor of the outpatient clinic: +31 (0)71 529 92 35 (Monday to Friday 9.00-17.00) outpatient cliniccontact information: Contact the outpatient clinic.
- Second opinion: referral can occur via Zorgdomein, fax or via mail with forwarding or attachment, as the case may be, of previous correspondence. If the patient has recently been seen by a neurologist in another hospital, it is important that this treating neurologist be aware; it is preferable that the treatment neurologist makes the referral.
- Question regarding referral falls beyond or outside of the care paths we offer
- First referral to a neurologist: the capacity for general neurology referrals is limited. On the basis of the referral letter as well as capacity, a determination is made as to whether the patient can be admitted and, if so, the period of time within which the patient must be seen. With respect to non-urgent care for which the question regarding referral falls beyond or outside of the care path we offer, we regularly counsel the referrer to refer the patient to another hospital. The referrer will receive notification in this regard, either written or by telephone.
- Second opinion: referral will be taken into account if the patient has been referred by a neurologist and relevant correspondence, reports and imaging diagnostics have been forwarded on CD-rom.
Neurologists and other medical specialists:
- The question regarding the referral falls within one of the care paths
- We will be pleased to receive your referral via post or fax together with relevant prior correspondence and further examination material: please send imaging material on a CD-rom or via post. The outpatient clinic's fax number is 071-5266671. Email:
- Question regarding referral falls beyond or outside of the care paths we offer
- We recommend you arrange a telephone conference with the outpatient clinic supervisor 071-5299235 (Monday to Friday 9.00-17.00). Contact the outpatient clinic.
Referrals to other outpatient clinic
As a family doctor or specialist, you can refer directly to the following clinics:
Polikliniek SEIN Heemstede (SEIN Heemstede outpatient clinic)
Patients with sleep disorders and paroxysmal disorders such as epilepsy can go to the Stichting epilepsie instellingen Nederland (SEIN - Netherlands Foundation for Epilepsy Institutes). This care is provided as a collaborative effort of the LUMC and SEIN Heemstede. You will find information for referrers at: SEIN
The LUMC outpatient clinic for Neurology
Patients can go to the outpatient clinic for neurology to receive advice and recommendations regarding neurosurgical procedures. Referrals to the outpatient clinic for neurology do not occur via Zorgdomein and are not accepted via the outpatient clinic for neurology. You can find contact information for the outpatient clinic for neurology at: contact Neurology
Collaboration with other hospitals
More and more people require complex care. We focus on complex care via the specific expertise in the care paths we offer. This can only be rendered possible by transferring a portion of general neurological care to hospitals in the region. The objective of the LUMC outpatient clinic for neurology is to establish cooperation with hospitals in the region, such as the Alrijne hospital (Leiden and Leiderdorp), the Haaglanden Medical Center (HMC) and the HAGA hospital in The Hague. If indicated, the treating neurologist can refer patients to our outpatient clinic for a second opinion. This way, we and the other hospitals ensure that all patients receive the best possible care.
Renal diseases
Refer a patient via ZorgDomein or directly via a department
Family doctors affiliated with ZorgDomein can provide patients with a digital referral.
Referrers not affiliated with ZorgDomein can refer patients via the departments at the LUMC.
Outpatient clinic for Internal Medicine, situated in B2-P
P.O. Box 9600,
2300 RC Leiden
Fax number 071 - 526 68 81
The following information must be provided in the referral letter:
- Patient's personal information (including telephone number)
- Name of referrer
- Reasons for referral and prior history
- Medications taken
On the basis of this information, a determination will be made as to how quickly the patient must be seen. Next, outpatient clinic staff will either call the patient or send the patient a letter inviting her or him to come for an appointment before the first visit to the outpatient clinic.
Request a second opinion
As a doctor, you can request a second opinion on behalf of your patient by sending a referral - including the required medical information - to the LUMC. Our medical specialists will examine and evaluate the referral. If the referral falls within the LUMC’s area of expertise, your patient will receive a written invitation to come for a second opinion at our outpatient clinic.
Peer consultation
Our staff is available during and outside of office hours for consultation with colleagues working in primary and secondary care. During office hours, you can contact the relevant outpatient clinic and consult with the specialist. The urgent character of the conference will determine whether this is to occur immediately or later, during the appointment. All referral information can be found in the Zorg app.
Oncology Center
Refer a patient via Zorgdomein or directly via a department
Family doctors affiliated with ZorgDomein can provide patients with a digital referral. Referrers not affiliated with ZorgDomein can refer patients via the departments at the LUMC.
Request a second opinion
As a doctor, you can request a second opinion on behalf of your patient by sending a referral - including the required medical information - to the LUMC Oncology Center. Our medical specialists will examine and evaluate the referral. Does the referral fall within the LUMC Oncology Center's area of expertise? If so, then your patient will receive a written invitation to come in to our outpatient clinic for a second opinion.
Peer consultation
Our staff is available during and outside of office hours for consultation with colleagues working in primary and secondary care. During office hours, you can contact the relevant outpatient clinic and consult with the specialist. The urgent character of the conference will determine whether this is to occur immediately or later, during the appointment. Outside of office hours, contact is to be made via the contact information provided in the referral guide. The referral guide is updated annually and sent to all referrers in the region. You can request a referral guide if you have not received one already.
Referrer feedback following multidisciplinary consultation
We endeavor to send the feedback report with the diagnosis and the treatment to the family doctor via Zorgdomein immediately following the multidisciplinary consultation. The referring specialist will receive a copy of this report via email or by post.
Referrer feedback following treatment
If the patient provides her or his consent, we will send a letter notifying you and the family doctor of the treatment results as well as any unanticipated turns in the care process.
Quick and diligent cancer diagnosis
The LUMC offers quick diagnosis for patients suspected of having cancer. This way, we can let the patient know as soon as possible whether or not cancer has been ascertained, as well as the stage the cancer has attained and what treatments are available. The patient is given the choice as to whether she or he desires a quick diagnosis.
Quick diagnosis is available for a number of tumors of different kinds. Please consult the oncology center’s list of tumor types on the following webpage: list tumor types on the webpage (NL). As the family doctor or specialist, you can refer the patient through to the LUMC oncology center. In most cases, the patient is able to attend at the outpatient clinic the following day. As referrer, you can assist by making pathological and radiological information available, or by forwarding this information.
Our goal is to perform as many examinations on the same day as possible. This way, the patient is not required to make multiple visits to the LUMC oncology center. This depends on the type of tumor and the complexity of the diagnosis, as well as what examinations are required.
For most tumor types, a diagnosis will follow within 1 - 4 business days indicating whether the patient does or does not have cancer. If required, the patient will receive a proposed treatment plan.
Undergoing several examinations on the same day can be stressful for the patient. We recommend that the patient take somebody along with them to the hospital. In addition, our multidisciplinary team will do everything it can to provide the patient with the best possible accompaniment.
The ophthalmology department focuses on diagnostics, surgical and non-surgical treatment of the eye, eyelids and eye socket. We treat patients who have been referred by family doctors from the region and by ophthalmologists from all over the Netherlands.
Family doctors affiliated with ZorgDomein can provide patients with a digital referral.
The ophthalmology department focuses on 3 priorities: oncology, pediatric ophthalmology and macular degeneration, but possesses expertise in a broad area of ophthalmology. In order to provide optimum assistance to all patients, we distinguish between patients referred by family doctors from the region and by ophthalmologists from all over the Netherlands.
Orthopedic medicine
The LUMC is familiar with various kinds of referrers. Patients are referred to our orthopedic medicine department by colleagues and other specialists in the LUMC for problems related to the locomotor apparatus, but the majority of the referrals come from family doctors, of course. In addition, doctors of the consultation clinic can approach us with referrals where orthopedic problems are suspected in children, for example in ruling out hip dysplasia. In addition to general orthopedic problems, patients with complex problems can also be referred, for a second opinion, for example. This might be with regard to complex prosthetics casuistry and plexus complaints. Furthermore, LUMC is one of five centers in the Netherlands that provides treatment for bone tumors and soft tissue sarcomas.
- Referral by primary healthcare professionals
Family doctors
Family doctors affiliated with ZorgDomein can provide patients with a digital referral.
Referrers not affiliated with ZorgDomein will find the orthopedic medicine department's referral information under item 2: referral by medical specialists.
Consultation clinic doctors
Consultation clinic doctors seeking to refer a patient to the hip outpatient clinic can do so by sending an email accompanied by references to
- Referral by medical specialist
Referrals to the outpatient clinic
All new patients must be registered in writing by means of a referral letter directed to:
Outpatient clinic for Orthopedic Medicine (K2-Q)
To the attention of the outpatient clinic head
P.O. Box 9600
2300 RC Leiden
Telephone number +31 (0)71 526 80 03
In this letter of referral, the following minimum information must be provided:
- The personal data of the patient (including telephone number)
- Name of referrer
- Reasons for the referral
- Indication of the time period within which the patient must be seen
With the aid of this information, the head of the outpatient clinic will determine how quickly the registered patient must/can be seen at the outpatient clinic. The outpatient clinic extends the patient an invitation by telephone or by sending a letter containing the date and information regarding the first visit to the outpatient clinic. The family doctor shall also receive a notification regarding the date of the 1st appointment.
General outpatient clinic and specialized outpatient clinics
The outpatient clinic for Orthopedic Medicine is divided into the following: General Orthopedics, (Prosthesis) Infections, Trauma Surgery, Plaster Room outpatient clinic, Pediatric Orthopedics and the Hip outpatient clinic for Babies.
In addition, a number of specialized consultations can be arranged so that the patient can be evaluated by various medical specialists.
- Bone tumors and soft tissue sarcomas (Orthopedics / Oncology / Pediatric Medicine)
- Scoliosis (Orthopedics / Physiotherapy / Orthopedic instrument maker)
- Plexus and peripheral nerve injuries (Orthopedics / Neurosurgery / Recovery)
- Arthritic hands (Orthopedics / Rheumatology / Recovery / Physiotherapy / Ergotherapy / Plastic Surgery)
- Hand trauma (Orthopedics / Plastic Surgery / Traumatology / Recovery)
- Spina bifida and hydrocephalus (Orthopedics / Recovery / Neurosurgery / Child Neurology / Urology / Pediatric Medicine / Child Psychology)
- Neuromuscular disorders (Neurology / Orthopedics / Pediatric Medicine / Rehabilitation Therapy)
- Hemophelia (Orthopedics / Hematology)
To obtain treatment for (complex) parasitological infections, you can refer patients to the outpatient clinic for infectious illnesses outpatient clinic infectious diseases (NL), by means of letter, fax or via Zorgdomein. If it is an emergency, you can call the head of the outpatient clinic or one of the staff members for the department of infectious illnesses and an appointment will be arranged on very short notice.
Appointments: +31(0)71 526 18 50
Consultation by appointment: Friday 8:30 – 12:00
Emergency consultation any business day by appointment
De polikliniek pijngeneeskunde van het LUMC richt zich op de zorg van de complexe patiënt met pijn met speciale aandacht voor patiënten met pijn bij oncologie en patiënten met perifere zenuwpijn. Zowel huisartsen als medisch specialisten kunnen verwijzen naar de polikliniek pijngeneeskunde.
Patiënten kunnen worden verwezen via ZorgDomein of middels een verwijsbrief gericht aan:
LUMC Polikliniek Pijngeneeskunde – postzone B1
Postbus 9600
In de verwijsbrief moeten ten minste de volgende gegevens worden vermeld:
- De persoonsgegevens van de patiënt (inclusief telefoonnummer)
- Naam van de verwijzer
- Reden van de verwijzing inclusief de locatie van de pijn
- Eerder gebruikte medicatie
Op grond van de verwijzing wordt beoordeeld of de patiënt in het LUMC op de juiste plek is en wordt vastgesteld op welke termijn de patiënt wordt uitgenodigd voor een eerste consult.
Graag overleggen wij met u of uw patiënt in het LUMC op de juiste plek is. Voor overleg over verwijzingen of voor spoedbeoordelingen kunt u contact opnemen van 08.30 – 16.30 uur via 071 529 9946 (pGSM).
De afdeling pijngeneeskunde van het LUMC wil een vooraanstaande rol spelen in de vernieuwing van behandeling van patiënten met pijn. Daarom bieden wij patiënten de mogelijkheid om mee te doen aan wetenschappelijk onderzoek. Na beoordeling op de polikliniek zal met de patiënt worden besproken of er op dit moment een trial voor zijn/haar aandoening beschikbaar is, en of hij/zij hieraan zou kunnen deelnemen.
The LUMC psychiatry outpatient clinic is a third-line outpatient clinic. Referrals must be made by the treating doctor. If the referrer is a doctor other than the family doctor, then the referral will occur in consultation with the family doctor. The (comprehensive) referral letter contains the following information: patient information (including telephone number and, if available, email address as well), question regarding referral, somatic and psychiatric prior history, results of medical and/or psychiatric examinations, previous treatment and the effects thereof, current medication, psychosocial situation.
On the basis of the referral letter (and, if necessary, following additional consultation), the referral will either be accepted or rejected. Rejection will occur if it is determined in advance that we are not able to provide the patient with the required treatment or that this would best be obtained elsewhere. Should our decision involve such a rejection, then you will naturally be informed with regard to our reasons. Acceptance of the referral means that the patient will be given an intake appointment. Based on the results of this intake appointment, a determination will be made as to whether the patient can come to us for treatment or if this would be best obtained elsewhere. The waiting period for intake generally exceeds 2 months.
The intake is performed by one of our psychiatrists or psychiatrists-in-training. Following anamnesis and a psychiatric examination, an examination by questionnaire will be administered by the triage nurse and the patient's biography recorded by the intern. In the second instance, recommendations may also be sought from the clinical psychologist or clinical psychologist-in-training.
Finally, an important consideration in a referral for a second opinion is that the patient finds out in advance whether this will be covered by her or his healthcare insurance. For example, the budget policy will often provide reimbursement for a second opinion, but only to the extent of a limited portion thereof and sometimes not at all. Any costs that are not reimbursed by healthcare insurance will fall upon the patient.
The LUMC is specialized in:
- Depression, including forms of depression that are difficult to treat.
- Anxiety disorders and compulsive disorders
- (Neuro)psychiatric problems experienced by elderly persons
- Psychiatric problems arising in connection with physical illnesses, or as an expression of physical illness.
- Psychiatric problems arising in connection with the use of medicine
In addition, specific consultation times are available for:
- Psychiatric problems experienced during pregnancy
- Preconception advice upon experiencing psychiatric problems and/or use of psychotropics
The LUMC offers specialized treatment for depression:
- Electroconvulsive therapy
- Initiate MAO inhibitor treatment
Esketamine nasal spray has been registered and available in the Netherlands since September 1, 2021. The LUMC offers treatment using esketamine on a limited scale for patients with forms of depression that are difficult to treat on the basis of a needs assessment conducted by the outpatient clinic for patients from the region of Leiden and neighboring areas. We recommend that referrers outside this region contact their regional expertise center for forms of depression that are treated with difficulty.
Generally speaking, no long-term treatment is offered by the LUMC.
N.B. As of September 1, 2018, the LUMC will offer no more consultations regarding medically unexplained physical symptoms (somatic symptom disorder). The LUMC shall maintain its focus on diagnostics, treatment and research of complex stress and trauma-related disorders. You will find an overview of institutions offering programs for patients with somatic symptom disorders (SSD) at
In connection with the passing of Esther van Fenema, the Muziekpoli is not accepting any new referrals. The website contains more information regarding the continuation of the Muziekpoli's activities.
On Mondays and Wednesdays, you can reach us between 9.30 and 10.00 for registration, consultation regarding new patients or ongoing trajectories and other questions at the following telephone number: +31(0)71 526 37 85. Should you have an urgent question, you can dial the same number during office hours. Outside of office hours, you can call the LUMC's main telephone number and ask to speak with the responsible person on duty in psychiatry: +31 (0)71 526 91 11.
Registration can be completed via telephone conference and via email:, by post or via Zorgdomein.
In the radiology department, imaging diagnostics as well as diagnostic and therapeutic procedures supported with the aid of imaging are performed. Approximately 180,000 procedures are carried out annually at the request of medical specialists.
Top referral care (TRC)
The department has specialized in research and treatment on patients with particular medical care requirements: so-called top referral care. The department focuses primarily on research and treatment of:
- cardio-vascular disorders
- neurological disease profiles
- bone tumors
These are formed by:
- morphological and functional imaging,
- navigation for purposes of local therapy
monitoring of reaction to therapy and diagnostic and therapeutic procedures supported with the aid of imaging
Registration procedure for referrers in the region
As a matter of preference, new radiotherapy patients are registered by means of a multidisciplinary conference (MDO) in our department. If the referral cannot wait until the next MDO, then you can contact one of our radiotherapist-oncologists. The on-duty radiotherapist-oncologist is the “gateway” triage doctor. This means: following receipt of the essential patient information, the radiotherapist-oncologist, in cooperation with the secretariat, will determine the patient's classification for the purposes of the future treatment provider.
In order to summon the patient as quickly as possible, we request that you send us the following information as soon as possible:
- referral letter with radiation certificate
- Pathology report
- any follow-up report
- Imaging (with reports)
We expressly emphasize that without this information, it is practically impossible for us to classify a patient.
Should you have questions regarding the registration procedure, please contact the secretariat, which is available at the following telephone number: +31 (0)71 526 35 25.
For questions or problems outside of working hours, you can contact the on-duty radiotherapist-oncologist via the central office of the LUMC.
Outpatient clinic
Patients can be referred by means of letter of referral sent by post or by fax to the outpatient clinic, or via ZorgDomein.
LUMC outpatient clinic for Rheumatology zone B0-R
P.O. Box 9600
Fax number 071 526 53 21
Available for consultation regarding referrals are:
Crisis service for urgent assessments 08.30 – 17.00 via 071 529 9409 (pGsm)
Section head for the outpatient clinic
Dr. D. van der Woude via +31 (0) 71 526 18 18 (telephone) or +31 (0)71 529 99 25 (pGsm)
Outpatient clinic secretariat
For all appointments from Monday to Friday
from 09.00 – 12.00 via +31 (0)71 526 34 09
For urgent inquiries from Monday to Thursday from 08.00 – 17.00 via +31 (0)71 526 34 08 and on Friday from 08.00 - 16.30
Fax 071 526 5321
The early detection outpatient clinic
The early detection outpatient clinic (formerly the Early Arthritis Recognition Clinic) of the rheumatology department at the LUMC has been upgraded and renovated. You can find the new referral option in Zorgdomein under “Screening Hand Arthritis.” Here, you can find more information about the early detection outpatient clinic and this referral option.
The LUMC's rheumatology department seeks to play a prominent role in the upgrading of treatment provided to patients with rheumatic diseases. For this reason, we offer patients with various rheumatic disorders the opportunity to take part in trials using new medicinal products. This option exists for patients with early arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, arthrosis, spondyloarthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and scleroderma. After being evaluated at the outpatient clinic, a discussion is required with the patient as to whether a trial for her or his disorder is available at the current time, and whether or not the patient is able to participate.
Expansion of services at the Alrijne Alphen Outpatient Clinic for Rheumatology
For many years, patients over the age of 70 could be seen for a rheumatological consultation at our outpatient clinic in Alphen aan den Rijn. We have decided to expand these services and to focus on broader healthcare demands.
As of August 1, 2022, our new priorities at the Alphen aan den Rijn location are:
- Systemic diseases such as SLE, scleroderma and vasculitis; on the basis of our expertise with regard to these rare disorders, our participation in both regional as well as national networks, and our scientific line of research, we can provide your patient with a (suspected) systemic illness with the necessary specialized diagnostics and multidisciplinary care.
- The early detection of arthritis; In recent years, much experience has been gained in Leiden with regard to the early detection of arthritis. With early detection, treatment can be commenced in prompt fashion, which produces significantly improved results for the patient.
- Hand arthrosis; under the direction of Prof. Dr. Margreet Kloppenburg en dr. Lotte van der Stadt, successful research has been conducted on hand arthrosis for several years. Recently, two scientific studies were commenced in which your patient with hand arthrosis may have the opportunity to participate and, possibly, benefit from new treatment strategies.
Patients can be referred by their family doctor via ZorgDomein to our outpatient clinic in Alphen aan den Rijn. If there is a long waiting period, then we will refer patients directly through to the LUMC in Leiden.
Rehabilitation Therapy
Referrers from the LUMC
At the LUMC, the rehabilitation specialist is consulted via the Elektronisch Ziekenhuis Informatiesysteem (Electronic Hospital Information System). Furthermore, the rehabilitation specialists always value consultation by telephone or additional information via email.
For patients who have been admitted to the clinic, we endeavor to hold those conferences registered before 12.00 on the same day.
Referrers from outside the LUMC
New patients can be registered via Zorgdomein, by telephone, in writing or via fax with a referral letter directed to the secretary's office of the Rehabilitation Therapy Outpatient Clinic. See contact information at the bottom of the page.
Please provide the following information in the external referral letter:
- the personal information of the patient, including telephone number
- name and specialization of the referring doctor
- reasons for the referral
- brief summary of relevant prior history
- indication of the period of time within which the patient must be seen
The outpatient clinic will send the patient an invitation letter for the first outpatient clinic visit. Your patient will be seen at the outpatient clinic within 30 days or sooner if is an urgent case.
Contact information
Rehabilitation Therapy Outpatient Clinic
Telephone: +31 (0)71 526 34 57
Fax: 071 526 6697
Emergency Room
In the emergency room (ER), patients aged 70 and older are first screened for vulnerability. This can result in improved care. Screening is performed during triage (determination of urgency). To do this, the LUMC uses a so-called APOP screener (acutely presenting older patient). The screening result will be classified as either low or high risk.
Screening result
Has the screening result been classified as high-risk? If so, then this result will be considered for the purposes of the decisions and measures adopted in ER. A large proportion of high-risk patients are admitted to the hospital from ER. There, they will be subject to additional geriatric (medical care for older patients) mapping. A proportion of high-risk patients are permitted to leave ER to be referred back to their own residential area. At this point, the family doctor once again becomes the treating doctor.
The discharge letter to the family doctor will contain the results of the screening. This is the case whether results show a high or low risk. The family doctor receives the discharge letter in customary fashion.
APOP screener interpretation
Significance of results
The APOP screener distinguishes between low and high risk patients. The result can be high-risk in the case of:
- Functional deterioration and/or death within 3 months
Patients with the 20% highest risk category receive a high-risk result. This group of patients has a 55% chance, on average, of functional deterioration. Or probability of death within 3 months.
- Presence of cognitive disorders
Patients suffering from dementia and cognitive disorders at the time of screening (for example, from delirium or hypoperfusion) are classified as high-risk. Earlier research shows that 28% of older patients in the ER suffer from cognitive disorders at the level of MMSE <24 (Mini Mental State Examination).
Development of the APOP screener
The APOP screener was developed as part of the APOP study, which was commenced in 2013 at the LUMC. To develop this instrument, the data from approximately 2,600 patients from 4 hospitals was used: the LUMC, Alrijne Hospital, HMC Bronovo and Erasmus MC.
The following questions are asked during the screening:
- Age
- Gender
Arrival by ambulance - Prior to her or his visit to the ER, did the patient regularly require another person's assistance?
- Prior to her or his visit to the ER, did the patient require assistance bathing or showering?
- Has the patient been admitted to the hospital during the last year?
- Has a diagnosis of dementia been established for the patient?
- Question to determine cognitive functioning: What year is it?
- Question to determine cognitive functioning: Can you list the months of the year in reverse order?
The last two questions are used to test cognitive functioning. The questions are based on scientific research and on user experience. Read more about the APOP screening.
Follow-up care
A nurse from ER will telephone patients whose results have been classified as high-risk within 24 hours following discharge. Responses are provided to any questions the patient may have, and the discharge instructions repeated. If necessary, the ER nurse will contact the family doctor.
Medical questions
- Whom: on-duty ER doctor
- Telephone number: +31 (0)71 526 20 25.
APOP screening program questions
- Whom: L.C. Blomaard
- Email:
- Telephone number: +31 (0)71 526 66 52
Transplantation Center
This information is intended for doctors and institutions seeking to refer patients to the LUMC Transplantation Center.
Peer and emergency consultation
We are available for peer consultations as well as emergency consultations. Contact by email is also possible.
- We are available to answer questions regarding acute care via remote conferencing.
- Consultation regarding transplantion-related questions or disease profiles that may be an indication that transplantation is required.
If you wish to refer a patient from secondary care for a transplantation screening, counselling with regard to or questions about a transplantation, then you can reach us via the telephone numbers and/or email address listed below.
Kidney, pancreas or islet transplantation
Contact for peer consultation / emergency consultation:
Outside of office hours:
Contact occurs via the operator at +31 (0)71 526 91 11 who can connect you with the on-duty specialist.
During office hours:
With your consultant at the center or with the on-duty consultant +31 (0)71 529 91 13
Contact for questions regarding pending referrals:
Transplantation Office Secretariat +31 (0)71 526 32 67 (if required, we will connect you with one of the specialists)
Kidney and pancreas transplantation:
Dr. P.J.M van der Boog
Pancreas or islet transplantation:
Prof. E.J. de Koning of Dr. M.F. Nijhoff
Contact email for referrals for transplantation screening for a kidney, pancreas or islet transplant:
Or via post (referral letter with enclosures) to the following postal address:
Transplantatiebureau, J8-P
Postbus 9600
2300 RC Leiden
Contact for peer consultation / emergency consultation :
On-duty consultant +31 (0)71 526 28 09
Contact for questions regarding pending referrals:
On-duty hepatologist: +31 (0)71 529 79 55 or
Nursing specialist: +31(0)71 529 9 540 of +31 (0)71 529 86 59
Liver transplantation
Contact email for referrals for transplantation screening for a liver transplant:
Or by post (referral letter and any imaging) to the following postal address:
Poli Maag-, darm- en leverziekte, B4-R
T.a.v. Levertransplantatie
Postbus 9600
2300 RC Leiden
Thrombosis and Hemostasis (Internal Medicine)
For several years now, a special consultation focused on venous thrombosis problems has been in existence, with the objective of concentrating on both patients as well as the existing expertise in this area. The outpatient clinic is intended to provide follow-up inspection following deep vein thrombosis or a pulmonary embolism, research on (hereditary) thrombophilia, and counselling regarding anticoagulants including the so-called new oral anticoagulants (NOACs), and thrombosis prophylaxis, and the use of contraception in connection with thrombosis.
Patients with a potential bleeding tendency or with abnormal coagulation tests are likewise seen at one of the outpatient clinics of the Thrombosis and Hemostasis Department.
Family doctors affiliated with ZorgDomein can provide patients with a digital referral.
Non-emergency care
- Outpatient clinic for Urology: +31 (0)71 526 23 04 (during office hours, see 'Contact')
- Fax number for the outpatient clinic for urology: +31 (0)71524 81 35
- LUMC telephone service: +31 (0)71 526 91 11 (outside of office hours and during the weekend)
Patients can be registered in writing via post by means of a referral letter. The letter of referral must contain the following information:
- Patient's personal information (including telephone number)
- Name of referrer
- Reasons for referral and prior history
- Medications taken
The referral letter can be sent by post to:
Outpatient clinic for Urology J3-P
P.O. Box 9600
2300 RC Leiden
Is the referral urgent?
If so, please ask to speak with the urology counselor (pager 8895). We will put you through for a priority appointment or for a consultation.
For an appointment at the Center for Pelvic Floor Disorders, we ask the referrer to first send a referral letter to be evaluated by the staff of the Center for Pelvic Floor Disorders. Following this, the patient will be contacted by telephone and an appointment may be arranged.
Among others, the following urological disorders are treated at the LUMC:
Prostate cancer
The urology department forms part of the Anser Prostate Center and provides all treatments for prostate carcinoma. Part of the system of regional cooperation, the robot-assisted radical prostatectomy is performed in the Anser prostate clinic - established in the Maasstad hospital. The radioactive iodine seed implant (brachytherapy) is performed in the HMC (Antoniushove location). External irradiation is performed at the LUMC. Palliative treatment using isotopes and biphosphonates is also regularly administered here.
Bladder cancer
At the urology outpatient clinic, treatment for superficial and ingrown bladder cancer is performed on a wide scale. As a matter of preference, radical cystectomy is performed with robot assistance. On average, 7 out of 10 patients qualify for robot-assisted laparoscopic treatment.
With regard to the installation of a urine deviation, we have expertise in:
- wet stoma (Bricker deviation)
- neobladder (Hautmann procedure)
Renal cancer
Treatments such as radical nephrectomy, partial nephrectomy, open, laparoscopic or robot-assisted - are carried out regularly in urology. Tumors with expansion in the vena cava or in the atrium are regularly referred to us. We treat these disorders in cooperation with the Department of Surgery and Thoracic Surgery.
Testis tumors
The Urology Department treats men with testis tumors. Inspections and screenings are in the hands of the medical oncologist. If chemotherapy is required (at the Department of Clinical Oncology) and signs that a retroperitoneal gland dissection are subsequently ascertained, then the patient will be referred to the Erasmus Medical Center.
Reproduction Center
The LUMC Reproduction Center is one of the 3 most effective treatment centers: 1 in 3 patients who seek treatment at the center have their wish to become parents fulfilled. Do you have patients with potential fertility problems who wish to become parents? Your patients can come right in following a referral.
Refer a patient via Zorgdomein or directly via a department
Family doctors affiliated with ZorgDomein can provide patients with a digital referral. Referrers not affiliated with ZorgDomein can refer patients on the basis of a referral letter. With this letter, the patient can arrange her or his own appointment with the Fertility Outpatient Clinic (+31 (0)71 526 28 70)
Your patients can come to us for the following conventional and specialized treatments:
- EFE: Exploratory fertility examination
- OVS: Ovarian stimulation
- IUI: Intra-uterine insemination
- IVF: In vitro fertilization
- ICSI: Intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection
- Ovum and sperm donation with private donor
- Examination and treatment in the case of repeated miscarriages
- Tubal pathology: tubal surgery
- Fertility preservation, for example prior to chemotherapy and pelvic surgery, the freezing of sperm or ova, embryos and ovarian tissue (cryopreservation)
Request a second opinion
As a doctor, you can request a second opinion for your patient by sending a referral - accompanied by the required medical data - to the LUMC Reproduction Center. Our medical specialists will examine and evaluate the referral. Does the referral fall within the LUMC’s area of expertise? If so, then your patient will receive a written invitation to come in to our outpatient clinic for a second opinion.
Fertility preservation
In view of the urgent character of fertility preservation, the on-duty doctor of reproductive medicine can be reached during office hours at +31 (0)71 529 85 98, via the secretary's office at (+31 (0)71 526 33 39) or our nurse (+31 (0)71 526 40 52). Outside of office hours, you can contact the on-duty fertility specialist via the general telephone number (or the on-duty gynecologist).
Peer consultation
Our staff are available both during and outside of office hours for consultation with first and second line colleagues. During office hours, you can contact the relevant outpatient clinic and consult with the specialist. The urgent character of the conference will determine whether this is to occur immediately or later, during the appointment. The direct telephone number of the on-duty doctor of reproductive medicine is +31 (0)71 529 85 98.
All referral information can be found in the Zorg app.
Referrer feedback
We always try to send the feedback report to the family doctor immediately following finalization of the diagnosis and determination of the treatment plan. The referring specialist will receive a copy of this report via email or by post. Following treatment, you will also receive a report concerning the results.
We are always available during office hours for peer consultation at the following telephone number: +31 (0)71 529 85 98 of +31 (0)71 526 33 39 or +31 (0)71 526 40 52.
For less urgent matters, you can consult with the fertility specialist by email via
Willem-Alexander Pediatric Hospital
Monday to Friday from 8.00 tot 17.00:
Pediatric Outpatient Clinic: +31 (0)71 526 28 11
Outside of office hours:
LUMC telephone service: +31 (0)71-526 9111 and ask to speak with the on-duty pediatrician
Report a Transmural Incident
Has an unintended or inadvertent incident taken place while receiving care from our clinic or in the course of cooperative treatment? By reporting such incidents to us, you help prevent them from occurring in the future.
Do you wish to report a transmural incident? If so, then please contact the transmural cooperation team. You can do this by sending an email to
Frequently asked questions regarding family docters
I still receive a lot of correspondence on paper; can this be done electronically?
Share your zorgmail address with us via Following processing in our system, the (patient-related) mail will be sent electronically.
Important: we only record the zorgmail address if this is linked to the general data management in accordance with your registration with Vektis (family doctor-practice combination)
I've changed my practice or I’m a new family doctor in the region, how can I pass this on?
Verify the following points;
- Your Vektis (NL) registration?
- New or modified registration; are you registered in Vektis? With your personal general data management code but with the general data management code(s) of the organization with which you are affiliated?
- If you have stopped practising medicine, you must inform Vektis in this regard. Your ‘status’ will indicate this by means of a termination date.
We will be able to administratively ‘relocate’ those of your patients known to the LUMC to the new practitioner, provided the registration in Vektis provided above checks out. Please inform us with regard to both the former and the current family doctor as well as the general data management code via
I want to contact a medical specialist, where can I find the contact information?
Are you a colleague healthcare provider in the Northern South Holland region? If so, then consult the zorgapp ZHN (NL). Colleagues from outside the region can contact us via the main telephone number +31 (0)71 526 91 11.
Where can I find substantial working arrangements?
The Zorg app (NL) contains work arrangements that have been arranged in the Northern South Holland region.
How can I report a transmural incident?
Has an unintended or inadvertent incident taken place while receiving care from our clinic or in the course of cooperative treatment? By reporting such incidents to us, you help prevent them from occurring in the future. If so, then please contact the transmural cooperation team. You can do this by sending an email to containing the following information:
- Your contact information
- Date, (time period) and description of the incident
- Suggestion(s) for improvement
- Department (clinic or outpatient clinic?)
- Patient information (initials, name at birth, date of birth and LUMC patient number, if any)
- Consequences for the patient
- Any action taken
Is there a contact person for family doctors at the LUMC?
Suzanne Schmeink is the relationship manager for family doctors and can be reached at or +31 (0)6 27 83 75 24
Advies obductie leeftijd van 18 - 45 jaar
Bijna altijd is er dan sprake van autosomaal dominante overerving van de aanleg voor de erfelijke hartaandoening. Dan hebben 1e graads familieleden (zoals kinderen, broers en zussen) 50% kans om drager te zijn met bijbehorend risico op plots overlijden. Mede daarom is het relevant om de onderliggende oorzaak van het plots overlijden vast te stellen. Daarom adviseren wij obductie bij een overledene in de leeftijd van 18 - 45 jaar. Bij twijfel overleg met dienstdoende Klinisch Geneticus (8:00-17:00 uur) en in ANW-uren met de dienstdoende Patholoog in het LUMC via 071-526 91 11.
Plots overlijden kan voor deze familieleden vaak worden voorkomen door:
- leefstijladviezen
- medicatie (en/of het vermijden van bepaalde medicatie)
- in enkele gevallen een pacemaker of inwendige defibrillator (ICD)
Sudden death flowchart
On this page you will find information regarding optimal methods to be chosen in the case of sudden death, including all documents required for autopsy and DNA research.
Most deceased victims are examined by family doctors. We know that the topic of autopsy can be a difficult one for family members to discuss. The information folder can provide you with assistance when it comes time to inform family members of the methods used during an autopsy.
The LUMC pays the costs of the autopsy. The costs of transportation of the corpse must be paid for by the family (33 Euros). Sometimes this can be reimbursed.
You will find all required documents, including the procedure for requesting an autopsy, under forms.
If, following an autopsy, a suspicion arises regarding a cardiogenetic condition, we recommend screening family members.
Procedure for requesting an autopsy by family doctor (NL)
No autopsy, but DNA is present
If permission to perform an autopsy cannot be obtained, we offer the possibly of securing DNA alone by means of a skin biopsy.
- You will find an explanation regarding the precise method used and request forms the application form (NL) attached.
- DNA can be stored free of charge.
- The material will only be examined when the first family member registers for cardiogenetic screening.
Instructions for taking a skin biopsy
Materials required:
- Biopsy punch or small knife, tweezers, and scissors (sterile)
- Disinfect skin with alcohol 70%
- Sterile pot with physiological salt solution
- The side of the back or inside of the underarm.
- Avoid the groin region, which is associated with an increased risk of overgrowth of fungus and bacteria.
- Stretch the skin tight. Place the biopsy punch or small knife perpendicularly against the skin. The biopsy punch must be just one centimeter deep. Take firm hold of the biopsy using the tweezers and cut the biopsy off using the scissors. Please remove at least 2 biopsies.
- 1 biopsy per pot
Specify clearly on the pot: name, gender and date of birth
Shipment instructions for skin biopsies
Following removal, store the biopsy in the medium at room temperature (do NOT place it in the refrigerator).
Send to the pathology department (available 24 hours) with a request for a DNA analysis by clinical geneticists (CG) (see form for DNA analysis) DNA-analysis (NL)).
Form for DNA analysis:
- Tick off biopsy and fill in the patient information
- For the question: “Sudden cardiac death : request for DNA analysis via Clinical Geneticist (CG)”
- Drop it off in the red container at the desk for the pathology department
- The pot will be delivered (the following day) at the CG.
No autopsy, no DNA
If neither an autopsy nor a DNA probe has been performed on the deceased, we still recommend cardiological and possibly genetic screening of first-degree family members.
Please refer the family doctor to the following websites:
- (NL)
- erfelijkheidsonderzoek na plotse hartdood - Huisarts en Genetica (NL)