Rheumatology Data Science

Our group aims to identify homogeneous disease subsets and disease trajectories in order to find crucial factors for disease development. For this we use novel high-throughput methods to disentangle observational electronic health records and genetic data. We translate new and current knowledge into clinically applicable tools for patients, clinicians and scientists. We work together closely with prof Marcel Reinders and Erik van den Akker from the computational biology.

We build pipelines for machine learning techniques to curate electronic health records, regularization techniques for clinical prediction models and pipelines to identify (dis)similarities in medical histories using clustering and visualisation techniques.

We make our scripts freely available at GitHub. Our papers are open access as much as possible.

The work in our group is amongst others supported by ReumaNederland (Dutch Arthritis association), Klinische Fellow (NWO), and by our work within international consortia such as the IMI funded RTCure project, the EIT Health funded JPAST where we developed the eHealth tool Rheumatic? and the EIT Health funded DigiPrevent (funded in April 2022)

Our team

  • Rachel Knevel, M.D. PhD rheumatologist, data scientist – group leader 
  • Marc P. Maurits, MSc, PhD candidate, data scientist
  • Tjardo D. Maarseveen, MSc, PhD candidate, data scientist
  • Samantha Jurado-Zapata, BSc, data manager Rheumatology department
  • Nils Steinz, PhD candidate
  • Ling Qin, PhD candidate
  • Georgy Gomon, M.D. PhD candidate
  • Floor Zegers, PhD candidate
  • Daniyal Selani, affiliated PhD candidate, from TU Delft
  • Jyaysi Desai, project management
  • Suguru Honda M.D. Ph.D, post doctoral researcher
  • Bahar Sedaghatikhayat, PhD, post doctoral researcher
  • Inez den Hond, affiliated PhD candidate, from TU Delft

Former lab member

  • Tim Verheijen, Bsc, Master student
  • Changlin Ke, BSc Master student
  • Mingdong Lui, MSc, Master student
  • Oscar den Hengel, MSC, Master student
  • Daan van der Bijl, Bachelor student
  • Ximeng Wang, Bsc, Master student
  • Suzanne van Wieringen, MSc, Medical trainee