Psychiatrist & Assistant professor

dr. M. (Max) de Leeuw

Area(s) of expertise:
Bipolar disorders
In addition to patient care in the context of second opinions regarding bipolar disorder, I focus on scientific research of the disorder. Within the LUMC, studies of bipolar disorder concentrate on neurobiology, innovative diagnostics and treatment including psychedelics. Clinic and scientific research come together in the Leiden Bipolar Group. I am cluster coordinator and examiner of the Psychiatry fellowship at the LUMC and board member of the Leiden Institute of Brain and Cognition (LIBC).
Scientific research
The scientific program bipolar disorders encompasses preclinical research including brain imaging studies of patients with bipolar disorder. In addition, there is a line of translational research in which preclinical applications can be utilized in clinical practice related to the care of bipolar disorder. Finally, applied clinical research is performed in which studies of innovative diagnostics and treatment, including medication, are at the center. In 2022, the Leiden Bipolar Group was founded, a platform where knowledge transfer, collaboration and evaluation of ongoing projects are centered. Several collaborations have been established from the research area of bipolar disorders, including with the departments of neurology and cell biology.
