Head of Leiden University Center of Infectious Diseases (LUCID)

Prof. Dr. M. (Maria) Yazdanbakhsh

Area(s) of expertise:
Parasitology, Immunology
I head the Leiden University Center of Infectious Diseases (LUCID) which engages in basic and clinical research and employs an interdisciplinary group of basic and clinical scientists who focus on developing novel vaccines, drugs and diagnostics to prevent and cure infectious diseases. I also chair the LUMC Global committee to stimulate internationalization at home and abroad, to create a community of researchers with a strong international outlook, and to prepare our students for a future that is Global. My research interests have been in understanding the immune system of different populations exposed to different microorganisms and parasites, that can influence the disease patterns and vaccine responsiveness across the globe. I hold visiting professorships at the University of Indonesia in Jakarta, University of Hasanudding in Makassar, Indonesia, and Centre de Recherches Médicales de Lambaréné, Gabon.
Scientific research
I am the winner of the Spinoza prize 2021. I am also an elected fellow of the Royal Academy of Sciences (KNAW), the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW), the Academia European and the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO). My recent grants comprise of: EDCTP in 2019, an ERC advanced in 2022, NIH in 2022, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2023. I have been involved in training of Indonesian, Gabonese, Ghanaian, Senegalese and Ugandan medical doctors and basic scientists interested in research. I believe in capacity building to allow equal partnership that results in a win-win collaboration.
