Key publications

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  1. Saberi Amir, Gulyaeva Anastasia A., Brubacher John L., Newmark Phillip A., Gorbalenya Alexander E.. A planarian nidovirus expands the limits of RNA genome size. Plos pathogens 2018-Nov-30;14(11). (Web of Science)
  2. Oudshoorn Diede, Rijs Kevin, Limpens Ronald W. A. L., Groen Kevin, Koster Abraham J., Snijder Eric J., Kikkert Marjolein, Barcena Montserrat. Expression and Cleavage of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus nsp3-4 Polyprotein Induce the Formation of Double-Membrane Vesicles That Mimic Those Associated with Coronaviral RNA Replication. Mbio 2017-Dec-31;8(6). (Web of Science)
  3. Albulescu Irina C., Kovacikova Kristina, Tas Ali, Snijder Eric J., van Hemert Martijn J.. Suramin inhibits Zika virus replication by interfering with virus attachment and release of infectious particles. Antiviral research 2017-Jul-31;143. (Web of Science)
  4. Wunderink H. F., van der Meijden E., van der Blij-de Brouwer C. S., Mallat M. J. K., Haasnoot G. W., van Zwet E. W., Claas E. C. J., de Fijter J. W., Kroes A. C. M., Arnold F., Touze A., Claas F. H. J., Rotmans J. I., Feltkamp M. C. W.. Pretransplantation Donor-Recipient Pair Seroreactivity Against BK Polyomavirus Predicts Viremia and Nephropathy After Kidney Transplantation. American journal of transplantation 2017-Jan-31;17(1). (Web of Science)
  5. Korndewal MJ, Vossen ACTM, Cremer J, Van Binnendijk RS, Kroes ACM, Van der Sande MAB, Oudesluys-Murphy AM, De Melker HE. Disease burden of congenital cytomegalovirus infection at school entry age: study design, participation rate and birth prevalence. Epidemiology and infection 2016-May-01;144(7):1520-1527. (Web of Science)
  6. Lehmann Kathleen C., Gulyaeva Anastasia, Zevenhoven-Dobbe Jessika C., Janssen George M. C., Ruben Mark, Overkleeft Hermen S., van Veelen Peter A., Samborskiy Dmitry V., Kravchenko Alexander A., Leontovich Andrey M., Sidorov Igor A., Snijder Eric J., Posthuma Clara C., Gorbalenya Alexander E.. Discovery of an essential nucleotidylating activity associated with a newly delineated conserved domain in the RNA polymerase-containing protein of all nidoviruses. Nucleic acids research 2015-Sep-30;43(17):8416-8434. (Web of Science)
  7. de Wilde Adriaan H., Wannee Kazimier F., Scholte Florine E. M., Goeman Jelle J., ten Dijke Peter, Snijder Eric J., Kikkert Marjolein, van Hemert Martijn J.. A Kinome-Wide Small Interfering RNA Screen Identifies Proviral and Antiviral Host Factors in Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus Replication, Including Double-Stranded RNA-Activated Protein Kinase and Early Secretory Pathway Proteins. Journal of virology 2015-Aug-31;89(16):8318-8333. (Web of Science)
  8. Lauber Chris, Kazem Siamaque, Kravchenko Alexander A., Feltkamp Mariet C. W., Gorbalenya Alexander E.. Interspecific adaptation by binary choice at de novo polyomavirus T antigen site through accelerated codon-constrained Val-Ala toggling within an intrinsically disordered region. Nucleic acids research 2015-May-26;43(10):4800-4813. (Web of Science)
  9. Bailey-Elkin Ben A., Knaap Robert C. M., Johnson Garrett G., Dalebout Tim J., Ninaber Dennis K., van Kasteren Puck B., Bredenbeek Peter J., Snijder Eric J., Kikkert Marjolein, Mark Brian L.. Crystal Structure of the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) Papain-like Protease Bound to Ubiquitin Facilitates Targeted Disruption of Deubiquitinating Activity to Demonstrate Its Role in Innate Immune Suppression. Journal of biological chemistry 2014-Dec-12;289(50). (Web of Science)
  10. Li Yanhua, Treffers Emmely E., Napthine Sawsan, Tas Ali, Zhu Longchao, Sun Zhi, Bell Susanne, Mark Brian L., van Veelen Peter A., van Hemert Martijn J., Firth Andrew E., Brierley Ian, Snijder Eric J., Fang Ying. Transactivation of programmed ribosomal frameshifting by a viral protein. Proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america 2014-May-27;111(21). (Web of Science)