Associate Professor
Dr. M.J. (Martijn) van Hemert, PhD
Area(s) of expertise:
Molecular Virology
Molecular Virology
I am a group leader at LUCID Research in the area of molecular virology and antiviral strategies. My team investigates the molecular basis of viral infections and therapeutic strategies. Within LUCID, I am involved in data management, good research practice and management of the BSL-3 facility. I am involved in various teaching activities related to virology and pathogen-host interactions. I studied Molecular Biology (MSc, cum laude), obtained a PhD and performed research as a postdoc on the “14-3-3 proteins”, a conserved family of cellular signaling regulators. I joined Prof Eric Snijder’s group at LUMC to study nidovirus (SARS-CoV) replication complexes. I started my research group in 2009 on mosquito-borne alphaviruses and flaviviruses (chikungunya and Zika), focusing on replication, virus-host interactions and antivirals. Since 2020 my research focus has (temporarily) shifted to SARS-CoV-2. I am involved in several large European projects on emerging RNA viruses and antivirals.
Scientific research
We study virus replication, virus-host interactions and antivirals. We are interested in broad-spectrum antivirals as these increase our preparedness for outbreaks. Until 2020, we focused on mosquito-borne viruses with epidemic potential, i.e. alphaviruses and flaviviruses. In response to the pandemic, my group re-focused attention to SARS-CoV-2 and other coronaviruses.
Our work includes (semi)-automated screening of compounds for antiviral activity, and a variety of biochemical, molecular virological and cell biological approaches to study virus replication, host interactions and mode of action of antiviral compounds. By quantitative proteomics and functional genomics-based approaches we study virus-host interactions to identify targets for novel therapeutic strategies. We have reverse genetics systems available for our viruses. The highly pathogenic viruses are handled in our state-of-the-art BSL-3 facilities. We have collaborations with various LUMC departments (CPM and Pulmonology).
Our work includes (semi)-automated screening of compounds for antiviral activity, and a variety of biochemical, molecular virological and cell biological approaches to study virus replication, host interactions and mode of action of antiviral compounds. By quantitative proteomics and functional genomics-based approaches we study virus-host interactions to identify targets for novel therapeutic strategies. We have reverse genetics systems available for our viruses. The highly pathogenic viruses are handled in our state-of-the-art BSL-3 facilities. We have collaborations with various LUMC departments (CPM and Pulmonology).