Head of LUCID Research Professor and Professor

Prof. Dr. C.H. (Ron) Hokke

Area(s) of expertise:
Glycobiology of host-pathogen interaction , Parasitic worms
As head of LUCID Research, I facilitate cross talk between researchers embedded within 5 research clusters that are co-created by scientists and clinicians with common interests (Pathogens & Drugs, Infection Immunology, Innovative Vaccinology, Microbiome & Health and Detect & Act).

My own research lines are focused on understanding and combatting infectious diseases by translating basic research on the glycobiology of host-pathogen interactions into the development of glycoconjugate-based vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics. We focus on helminth infections i.e. schistosomiasis, filariasis and hookworms that affect millions worldwide.

I obtained my PhD at Utrecht University, got interested in biomedical glycobiology during a post-doc at VU Amsterdam and joined the LUMC in 1999. I am an editorial board member of Parasitology International and Molecular & Biochemical Parasitology, Board Member of the Netherlands Society of Parasitology, and coordinator of the WORMVACS2.0 consortium.
Scientific research
My research is largely focused on glycosylation at the host-pathogen interface, for discovery and development of therapeutics and diagnostics.

My team conducts research on glycan antigens and glycoconjugates produced by parasitic worms and their involvement in parasite development as well as immune responses in the hosts. We apply in vitro and in vivo models and study anti-glycan responses in clinical samples from endemic areas and controlled human infections conducted by clinicians within LUCID, using innovative approaches such as glyco-engineering of parasites, antigen microarrays and mass spectrometry, allowing translation of the research into vaccine and diagnostics development. The programs include the development of a glycan antigen-based point-of-care test for schistosomiasis, funded by GHIT and BMGF, and the development of a parasitic worm vaccine pipeline using a multidisciplinary approach for vaccine target discovery and testing, funded by the EC (WORMVACS2.0).
