DNA damage responses and cancer

Organisms and cells deploy various strategies to protect themselves against potential harmful effects of DNA damage resulting from physical or chemical agents either endogenously produced or present in the environment. DNA damage response (DDR) pathways such as cell cycle arrest, DNA repair and apoptosis aim to reduce the chance on DNA damage-induced genetic alterations that may eventually lead to cancer or contribute to ageing.

My research group aims to gather and use mechanistic knowledge on mammalian DDR pathways for the following goals:

  • Development of novel (geno)toxicity test systems
  • Translating fundamental knowledge on DDR pathways to the clinic
  • Biological consequences of low dose ionizing radiation

Our team

Dr. Harry Vrieling
Principal Investigator / Associate Professor

Maaike P.G. Vreeswijk              
Associate professor

Jan J.W.A. Boei                  

Romy L.S. Mesman                          

Dr. Harry Vrieling
Principal Investigator / Associate Professor

Maaike P.G. Vreeswijk              
Associate professor

Jan J.W.A. Boei                  

Romy L.S. Mesman                          

Sylvia Gelpke-Vermeulen
Research technician

Annelot P. Wondergem
Research technician