Hoogleraar Immunotherapie van kanker

Prof. Dr. M.H.M. (Mirjam) Heemskerk

Area(s) of expertise:
Cancer immunotherapy
I am professor of Cancer Immunotherapy and head of the Laboratory for Experimental Hematology at the LUMC. My translational research group is focussing on developing novel cellular immunotherapies for patients with cancer. In 2013, partly under my leadership, the first phase I/II TCR gene therapy study for hematological malignancies after allogeneic stem cell transplantation was started (EudraCT number 2010-024625-20). Two new phase I/II TCR studies are currently being set up within the Hematology department, one for patients with acute myeloid leukemia (NPM1-TCR), the other for patients with multiple myeloma (BOB1-TCR). In 2011 I received the Jan Swammerdam prize for the most talented young researcher from the Dutch Association for Hematology. I am treasurer of the Dutch Society for Immunology. I am also a member of the scientific advisory board of KIKA. In 2022, I was appointed professor at the faculty of medicine with the teaching assignment "Cancer immunotherapy, in particular the development of cell therapy".
