Assistant professor

Nienke de Graeff, MA MD PhD

Area(s) of expertise:
Bioethics; ethics of emerging technologies
As an assistant professor at the department of Medical Ethics & Health Law, I lead a research team focused on the ethical questions related to emerging biomedical technologies. Amongst others, we work on ethical questions raised by stem-cell-based embryo models, stem cell and gene therapy, and regenerative medicine.

Previously, I conducted postdoctoral and PhD research at the department Bioethics & Health Humanities of the UMC Utrecht on the ethical questions related to genetic modification and gene drives. I have an interdisciplinary background in Liberal Arts & Sciences (BSc University College Maastricht, cum laude), Medicine (MSc Selective Utrecht Medical Master) and Ethics (MA Applied Ethics, Utrecht University, cum laude).

Next to my research, I am a member of committees such as the Young Academy Leiden and the Netherlands Committee on Genetic Modification (COGEM). I have also taught medical ethics, medical humanities, and philosophy of science to (bio)medical students.
Scientific research
To responsibly develop and regulate biomedical technologies, it is essential to identify ethical issues early on in collaboration with lab researchers, clinicians, patients and other stakeholders. Correspondingly, much of my research takes place in interdisciplinary research settings. I am for instance part of reNEW, a consortium in which researchers from Leiden, Copenhagen & Melbourne collaborate to bring stem cell therapies to the bedside. I also lead the ethics workpackages of various research projects, such as a ZonMW-funded project on embryo models and a NWO-funded project on stem cell research regulation. I received several personal awards and fellowships, like the Paul Schotsman Prize for Young Talented Scholars and a grant from the Girard de Mielet van Coehoorn Foundation for a 3-month visit to Harvard Medical School. In addition, I enjoy societal outreach. In the past, I for instance appeared on TV show Nieuwsuur, radio show Met Het Oog Op Morgen & in newspaper De Volkskrant.
