Together we work to improve healthcare and people's health. This is what drives us. Every single day. We evolve from delivering care to providing care for health. In this process, we will join forces to ensure that our initiatives come fully to fruition. Through groundbreaking research and innovative education, we deliver innovative care to our patients. In our work and collaboration with our partners, three core values guide us: personal, connecting and enquiring.
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Steun het LUMC
Het LUMC werft fondsen voor projecten om de zorg aan patiënten te verbeteren. Zo is hierdoor meer onderzoek mogelijk en een fijne omgeving voor patiënten in het ziekenhuis. Een gift aan onze fondsen draagt hier direct aan bij. Het LUMC werft fondsen voor de Bontius Stichting en de LUMC Vrienden Stichting.
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Art has been everywhere at LUMC for more than 30 years. It breaks the clinical atmosphere of a hospital and creates a welcoming and pleasant environment. The works of art can be admired in various departments and in the corridors, waiting rooms, LUMC Art Hall and Gallery. There is also a sculpture trail outside. Read more about LUMC's art collection and exhibitions.
See our exhibitions (NL)