Postdoctoral researcher

M.A. (Martijn) Nagtegaal, PhD

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I find MRI a very versatile and fascinating imaging modality. It provides novel contrasts for diagnosis and many research opportunities. As a physicist and mathematician by training my research in the C.J. Gorter MRI Center is aimed at the development of new MRI techniques that allow for time-efficient acquisitions, preferably with a quantitative and reproducible outcome.
In 2018, I finished my Master’s in Applied Mathematics at the TU Berlin and TU Delft with a thesis at Philips Research Hamburg (cum laude). After that I performed my PhD research at the TU Delft (cum laude). My thesis entitled “Estimation of multiple components and parameters for quantitative MRI” focused on the development and study of algorithms for multi-component MR Fingerprinting. This new method showed to be more sensitive for white matter changes in MS. During my PhD I was already partly supervised by Thijs van Osch and Jeroen de Bresser from the LUMC and in September 2023 I joined the Gorter center as a postdoc.
Wetenschappelijk onderzoek
In my research I combine time-efficient MRI acquisitions with novel quantitative reconstruction and modelling methods. MR Fingerprinting, the topic of my PhD, allows us to measure T_1 and T_2 relaxation times in relatively short scan time. I therefore expanded this framework to estimate multi-component effects and I further optimized the sequences. This mainly focused on neuro applications such as Alzheimer and MS.
At the moment, new MR sequences are difficult to share due to the closed MRI pulse programming environments. In the light of open science and reproducible research I want to open this up. Supported by an NWO Open Science grant, I have therefore been working on a Philips driver for the gammaSTAR vendor neutral pulse programming language.
Currently I am working together with Philips on the development of new acquisition techniques for midfield MRI. This ranges from protocol optimization to novel sequences and reconstruction techniques.


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