
Bowel preparation with Pleinvue with heart failure

You have a history of heart problems, and therefore this schedule with modified bowel preparation is most suitable for you. If you experience any of the following symptoms during the preparation:   - Palpitations   - Shortness of breath (when lying flat)   - Breathlessness   - Edema (in the abdomen/legs)  Stop the preparation immediately and contact your own cardiologist . For the LUMC, please call 071-5269111 and ask for the on-duty cardiologist.  For a colonoscopy, your bowel must be thoroughly clean. This allows the doctor to clearly examine the intestinal wall and detect any abnormalities. If your colon is not clean (enough) on the day of the procedure, the colonoscopy may have to be canceled. It is therefore important that you carefully read and follow the instructions below to ensure you are well-prepared.

Endoscopy department for gastrointestinal and liver diseases

The preparation for the procedure consists of: 

• Taking Bisacodyl® and PLEINVUE® (laxatives). 

• Following a low-fiber diet starting one day before the procedure. 

• Drinking plenty of water or clear fluids. 

Unless otherwise instructed by the doctor/nurse practitioner, you will use Bisacodyl® and PLEINVUE® to clean out your bowels (laxative preparation). Please follow the schedule provided below, and not the one mentioned in the laxative package insert. 

If you have also received a prescription for Macrogol, you should start using it 7 days prior to the colonoscopy. Macrogol softens your stool, which makes it easier for your bowels to be cleansed with PLEINVUE®before the colonoscopy. 

Low-fiber diet  

The day before the scheduled procedure, you will start the low-fiber diet. This means you are not allowed to eat certain fiber-rich foods. 

What you should NOT eat: 

Whole grain products such as:  

Bread with seeds and whole grain bread. Whole grain and multigrain pasta, and brown rice.  

• Fibrous vegetables such as:  

Asparagus, celery, sauerkraut, runner beans, green beans, leeks, peas, legumes, bean sprouts,  

corn, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions, garlic, spinach, endive, bell peppers, and raw vegetables.  

• Fruits with fibers and/or seeds such as:  

Oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, kiwis, blackberries, grapes, strawberries, and dried fruits. 

What you CAN eat: 

• Bread-based meals such as:  

Rusk, white or light brown bread with margarine or butter.  

Lean cold cuts, cheese, a boiled egg, chocolate sprinkles, chocolate spread, honey, syrup, and seedless jam.  

• Fruits such as:  

Soft, ripe fruit or canned fruit without seeds, fibers, or peel. Applesauce, fruit puree.  

• Hot meal options such as:  

Soup with small pieces of meat, vermicelli, and/or meatballs (but no vegetables).  

Potatoes, white rice, pasta, macaroni. Lightly roasted lean meat, fish, or chicken (without skin).  

• Well-cooked vegetables such as:  

Beets, cauliflower, broccoli, carrots.  

• Desserts such as:  

Custard, pudding, quark, or yogurt.

Preparing PLEINVUE®  

Instructions for preparing PLEINVUE®:  

• You have received one cardboard package from the pharmacy;  

• The package contains 3 sachets. For dose 1, there is one sachet. The solution for dose 1 has a mango flavor. For dose 2, there are two sachets (A and B). The solution for dose 2 has a fruit drink flavor. 

Dose 1: Dose 1 is one large sachet. Dissolve this dose in 500 ml of water. Stir continuously until the powder is fully dissolved, which may take about 8 minutes. After preparation, the solution can be stored in the refrigerator, covered, for up to 24 hours.  

Dose 2: Dose 2 consists of two sachets (A and B). Dissolve both sachets in 500 ml of water. Stir continuously until the powder is fully dissolved, which may also take around 8 minutes. After preparation, this solution can also be stored in the refrigerator, covered, for up to 24 hours. This solution can be prepared the day before the procedure.


Preparing and taking Macrogol 

Dissolve one sachet of Macrogol in a glass of water and take it in the morning and, if needed, in the evening, to soften your stool. By softening your stool, your bowel can be more easily cleansed with PLEINVUE® before the colonoscopy.

Laxative Schedule 

For laxative preparation with PLEINVUE®, follow the schedule below. It is important that you drink the prescribed amount of fluid completely. 

7 days before the procedure:

  • If you are taking iron tablets, stop taking them now. 
  • Do not eat any seeds, nuts, or grains until the procedure (e.g., bread with seeds/nuts or fruit with small seeds such as kiwis, grapes, berries, strawberries, blackberries, etc.). 
  • If needed, start taking Macrogol at breakfast and dinner until you start with PLEINVUE®. 

2 days before the procedure:

  • During dinner, take 2 Bisacodyl® tablets with a glass of water. 

1 day before the procedure:

  • Start the low-fiber diet today. After 3:00 PM, you are not allowed to eat anything, and you may only drink clear fluids*. 
  • Between 6:00 PM and 8:00 PM, drink 500 ml of PLEINVUE® dose 1 and at least 1 liter of clear fluids. Drink slowly and alternate between PLEINVUE® and clear fluids with each sip or glass. 
  • - Starting from 8:00 PM, you are in the rest period — you may drink as much clear fluid as you like: the more you drink, the cleaner your bowel will be. 

On the day of the procedure: 

  • Before you start with dose 2, drink a cup of warm tea or warm water. 
  • Four hours before the procedure, start drinking 500 ml of PLEINVUE® dose 2 and at least 1 liter of clear fluids within two hours. Drink slowly and alternate between PLEINVUE® and clear fluids with each sip or glass. 
  • Stop drinking two hours before the procedure.

* The following clear fluids are allowed: water, clear apple juice, lemonade, tea, and strained broth. 

Tips for taking PLEINVUE®: 

It is important that you drink the prescribed amount of fluid completely. Here are some tips to make drinking the laxative a bit easier: 

- Drink PLEINVUE® slowly — take your time. Drink the first dose of PLEINVUE® (500 ml) and the clear fluid (at least 1 liter) together within a maximum of 2 hours. 

- Sip PLEINVUE® in small sips and alternate with sips of the allowed clear fluids mentioned earlier to make it easier. 

- Start with a cup of warm tea before taking the second dose of PLEINVUE®. 

- Drink it (ice) cold from the refrigerator. 

- Use a straw while drinking to help it go further into your mouth. 

- Keep moving to get your bowels working. 

- If necessary, chew gum (without sorbitol) or suck on a yellow-colored lollipop (without chewing) to reduce an unpleasant taste. 

- Drink the solutions slowly in small sips and alternate with sips of the allowed clear fluids. This reduces the chance of nausea. If needed, you can briefly pause drinking PLEINVUE® and resume when any fullness or nausea has subsided.

Effect of PLEINVUE® 

PLEINVUE® ensures that you will lose a significant amount of stool within two hours of drinking it. Afterward, the effect decreases somewhat. Often, there will still be a lot of stool in the morning after the laxative. When taking the bowel cleansing agent, the stool will become thinner and eventually resemble a watery and clear fluid. It is important to know that you will not completely lose control over your stool, which helps prevent accidents, and you should be able to reach the toilet in time.

Do you have any questions? 

If you have any general questions about your bowel examination or problems with taking the laxatives, please contact the Endoscopy Department at telephone number 071-5296754 between 8:00 AM and 12:00 PM. General questions may include nausea/vomiting during the laxative process or doubts about whether your bowel is sufficiently clean. If your question cannot wait until the next working day, please contact the same number by 4:00 PM at the latest. 

In case of (medical) problems, you can contact the LUMC outside office hours via 071-5269111 and ask for the on-duty gastroenterologist. Medical problems may include severe abdominal pain or bright red blood loss through the anus after the colonoscopy. 

Recommended timing for taking laxatives on the day of the colonoscopy 

Time of your procedure 

Time to take the laxative on the day of the colonoscopy 

8.30 AM 

4.30 AM 

9.00 AM 

5.00  AM 

9.30 AM 

5.30 AM 

10.00 AM 

6.00 AM 

10.30 AM 

6.30 AM 

11.00 AM 

7.00 AM 

11.30 AM 

7.30 AM 

1.30 PM 

9.30 AM 

2.00 PM 

10.00 AM 

2.30 PM 

10.30 AM 

3.00 PM 

11.00 AM