Professor of Clinical and Experimental Anatomy
Prof. Dr. M.C. de Ruiter, PhD
Congenital Cardiovascular Malformations
Congenital Cardiovascular Malformations
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My daily task is to develop and organize teachings in Anatomy, Embryology, and Histology. My teaching is based on the concept of blended Learning and is developed in close relation to the clinic. In my group we also develop 3D models to apply anatomical knowledge in daily practice.
My research aim is to understand clinically relevant congenital cardiovascular disorders from a developmental point of view to improve diagnostics and to identify preventive measures and potential points of application for medical therapy.
Other activities within the LUMC
Chairman Programme Committee Medicine (OLC-GNK)
Chairman Anatomical Museum Committee, LUMC
My research aim is to understand clinically relevant congenital cardiovascular disorders from a developmental point of view to improve diagnostics and to identify preventive measures and potential points of application for medical therapy.
Other activities within the LUMC
Chairman Programme Committee Medicine (OLC-GNK)
Chairman Anatomical Museum Committee, LUMC
Wetenschappelijk onderzoek
My primary research focuses on the embryonic development of the aorta and aortic valves. A typical aortic valve consists of three leaflets. However, around 1 to 2% of the population has only two leaflets, which is known as a bicuspid aortic valve. Unfortunately, a significant proportion of these patients experience a dilatation of the ascending aorta, which can result in the rupture of the wall. My goal is to discover biomarkers that can predict adverse outcomes of aorta dilatation and to personalize existing treatment protocols.
Current grant:
Dutch Heart Foundation and Stichting Hartekind: OUTREACH: Outflow tract-related ageing with congenital heart defects: identifying causes and mechanisms of myocardial and large vessel wall adaptation, predictors for long term outcome and targets for improved treatment.
Current grant:
Dutch Heart Foundation and Stichting Hartekind: OUTREACH: Outflow tract-related ageing with congenital heart defects: identifying causes and mechanisms of myocardial and large vessel wall adaptation, predictors for long term outcome and targets for improved treatment.